Avro 558 (oz15781)


Avro 558 (oz15781) by Ray Malmstrom 1966 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Avro 558. Free flight scale model biplane, for rubber power.

Quote: "An unusual biplane of yesteryear, modelled exclusively for Meccano Magazine. Avro 558, by Ray Malmstrom.

OVER 40 years have passed since the full size AVRO 558 felt the rush and surge of wind under its wings. There is no doubt, however, about the fascination of building a flying scale model of such an unusual aeroplane. The original AVRO 558 caused quite a stir among aircraft enthusiasts way back in 1923, and you can be sure of attracting a Iot of attention when you take your model AVRO out for an afternoon's flying in 1966.

The plans are full size, and if you follow the 'easi-build' sketches you will find construction quite straightforward, so we will not take up precious space by detailing building procedure in these notes. Accurate alignment of the centre-section struts is important, as is wing incidence and dihedral. Time and care taken in construction will result in a very flyable little model.

Flying Notes: You will need some weight in the nose to achieve correct balance. Recesses are provided in the nose for pieces of sheet lead, lead pellets, or folded cement tube. When you have carefully balanced your model, these recesses can be covered with 1/32 sheet balsa, or tissue stuck on the front of the model. With the rubber motor installed, suspend the model from the balance point shown on the plan. Your AVRO 558 should hang level or slightly nose down. Avoid any tendency for the model to hang tail down,

Choose a calm day and some long grass for first glide and power tests. Check the balance, and freedom from warps of the wing, tailplane and fin. If there is a slight breeze launch your AVRO 558 from shoulder height directly into wind. Launch gently, with a follow-through movement of the arm, and with the nose of the model level or pointing slightly downwards. Never throw the model. It should glide down and land about 20 ft ahead of you. If it turns sharply either to left or right, correct this by bending the trim tab on the fin slightly in the opposite direction to the turn. Obtain a straight glide and you are ready for your first power-on flight.

Before winding, check that the propeller (incidentally the propeller is a 5 in diameter Keil Kraft plastic one, obtainable from your aeromodelling shop price 11d.) is pointing downwards, and towards the right (model viewed from the rear). These adjustments are most important. Do not neglect to see you have built them in correctly as shown on the plan.

Well lubricate the rubber motor (special rubber lubricant costs 6d. per tube) and then wind on 150-250 turns. Launch gently, as for glide tests. Model should climb away, cruise for a short distance, and then glide in to a landing. If your AVRO 558 turns violently to the left increase the propeller off-set angle. If it stalls, increase the degree the propeller shaft is pointing downwards. A gentle climbing turn to the left is fine.

You can increase the turns with each successful flight up to a maximum of 580. These turns are best put on with a hook fixed in the chuck of a drill (gearing about 3-1/2 : 1). Pull the rubber motor well out, and stretch it as you wind on the turns. And now a small tip. Give an added 30-40 turns by hand before launching. These hand turns give just the necessary boost for a good climbing take-off.

I am sure you will get lots of fun from this little AVRO 558. Perhaps some keen aerornodeller will scale it up to say 22 to 30 in span, when power could be a Cox TD 010 or 020 glo-motor."

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Avro 558 (oz15781) by Ray Malmstrom 1966 - model pic

  • (oz15781)
    Avro 558
    by Ray Malmstrom
    from Meccano Magazine
    January 1966 
    15in span
    Scale Rubber F/F Biplane
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 10/12/2024
    Filesize: 377KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: RogerC
    Downloads: 310

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Avro 558 (oz15781) by Ray Malmstrom 1966 - pic 003.jpg
Avro 558 (oz15781) by Ray Malmstrom 1966 - pic 004.jpg

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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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