Turtle (oz15678)


Turtle (oz15678) by George Siposs 1974 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Turtle. Free flight towline glider model. All-balsa design, uses Jedelsky-style wing construction. Wingspan 72 in.

Note this is not a full size plan, this is a scan of the drawing as printed in the original magazine pages, with main layout at 1/8 scale. Formers are shown at 100%.

Quote: "Towline gliders don't have to be big and complex, or too small for top performances. This all-balsa soarer with its big six-ft wing can be built in two days - if you follow instructions. Turtle, by George G Siposs.

The other day, I was going through some old modeling magazines in search of a simple glider. To my dismay, I found that gliders are either huge, complex and expensive (thereby excluding the possibility of being built by teenagers or beginners) or else they are small and of the low-performance variety. It occurred to me that young boys would like to build a large glider capable of decent performance. There are only two factors which prevent them from starting such a project: (1) Lack of funds, and (2) lack of patience.

A young fellow seldom has more than $10 in his pocket, He generally loses enthusiasm after discovering that dozens of ribs have to be cut out of frail balsa wood, spars and ribs have to be accurately fitted together, the fuselage is difficult to cement together, and, when the contraption is finally ready to fly, he breaks it while adjusting it to fly. There goes a hard-earned 25 bucks as well as that dream of his model soaring with the birds.

After a brainstorming session with my own 14-year-old son, we came up with a system to construct a large glider which costs little, can be built in just two evenings. and is practically indestructible - even after the most hair-raising crashes. To top it off, the cost is less than $10. The wing can be reused for a second glider, almost as simple to build, which can be radio controlled. (It will be published in the next issue.) If you have a one- or two-servo radio set (which can be purchased for about $70), you will really be soaring with the birds.

Can all this be true? Yes, sir! To begin with, the wing is glued together from just four simple panels of balsa wood and no ribs have to be cut out. Alignment is almost automatic and the structure has tremendous strength. The rest of the plane is made from easy-to-get fiberglass parts and balsa. The lines of the plane are clean, simple and efficient. It flies almost off the construction table.

If you read instructions carefully, you could be able to fly on the third day after you begin construction, If several of you build the same type of model, first finish one completely in order to gain familiarity with its construction. Then you can whiz through the second and third models

The Turtle is great for learning trimming procedures, basic aerodynamics, towline launching and slope soaring. This is free flight of course, but flights may last close to an hour with luck!

Here are the basic parts you will need..."

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Turtle (oz15678) by George Siposs 1974 - model pic

  • (oz15678)
    by George Siposs
    from Junior American Modeler
    March 1974 
    72in span
    Glider F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 05/11/2024
    Filesize: 118KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: dfritzke
    Downloads: 215

Turtle (oz15678) by George Siposs 1974 - pic 003.jpg
Turtle (oz15678) by George Siposs 1974 - pic 004.jpg

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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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