Handley Page HP19 Hanley (oz15418)


Handley Page HP19 Hanley (oz15418) by Steve Rickett 1998 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Handley Page HP19 Hanley. Radio control scale model biplane.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Quote: "Hi Steve, A more modern plan this time but of a very rare aeroplane indeed. The Handley Page HP.19 Hanley was a prototype torpedo bomber from 1922 that was beaten into production by the Blackburn Dart. This version is a three-channel design by Steve Rickett that was presented as a free plan with Scale Aircraft International magazine in 1998. The model spans 35" and was intended to be powered by a PAW 55RC diesel engine, although I suspect most modellers today would install a brushless electric setup. Cheers, Dilwyn"

Update 17/7/2024: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

Quote: "Steve Rickett describes his HP19 Type T, a trophy winning indoor, or outdoor, semi-scale model for 3-channel RC.

This model was my third (and successful) Tattempt at building a scale model to fly within the Hall at the International Model Show, Olympia, It is designed around the rules and criteria of the 'Handley Page Association Trophy', which is a competition usually held the day before the main opening of the IMS. Unfortunately attendance has always been very low and it is with this in mind that this model is now published in this issue. I urge anybody out there to come along with a model and participate, they do not have be World Championship quality, just capable of demonstrating controlled flight. It's a very low-key competition, with most emphasis placed on the flying. (To date just getting the model in the air and back again in one piece gives one a good chance of winning!) The models can be RC, Free-flight, Round the Pole, and Tethered, most to date have been, RC with the exception of Andy Sephtor who has won twice with a HP Sayer free flight model. So why not build the Hanley (or any other HP design) and participate, I can assure you of a most enjoyable time.

Design criteria: Out of three years of competing it has become clear that the lighter the wing loading the more manoeuvrable the model becomes, This coupled with ailerons and plenty of power means that most HP designs can be flown within the hall. Biplanes seem to be the way to go, and after seeing two (non-scale) biplanes of around 36 in wingspan perform loops and rolls within the Hail with just a PAW .55cc diesel made me begin to think along those lines. For such a little engine it really can haul this size of model around with ease. In fact even with all the struts and rigging of the Hanley it is still capable of aerobatics (outside so fad) and can takeoff from a smooth surface within 10 meters. The model is built in one piece in the interests of lightness. General details of the model are shown below at the end.

A brief history lesson: The Hanley (N145) was one of three prototypes built by Handley Page to specification 3/20. It was to be used as a single-seat deck-landing torpedo-carrier. Powered, initially, by a 450 hp Napier Lion IIB engine, it had a maximum speed of 116 mph(!) and a service ceiling of 15,500 ft which was considered to be abysmal even in 1921. With a wingspan of 46 ft and weighing 3 tonnes it is hardly surprising they didn't perform very well with such a small engine. The unusual feature of the Hanley was its full span retractable slats on top and bottom wings, which could increase its load carrying capabilities and brought its stalling speed down to 55 mph.

So lets begin the construction: First the wings. Both wings are the same with the exception of the top centre section. Cut all ribs from medium soft balsa (I used the sandwich method), select the 1/8 sqspars, 1/8 x 1/4 LE and 1/16 x 5/8 TE..."

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Handley Page HP19 Hanley (oz15418) by Steve Rickett 1998 - model pic

  • (oz15418)
    Handley Page HP19 Hanley
    by Steve Rickett
    from Radio Control Scale Aircraft
    35in span
    Scale IC R/C Biplane Military Bomber
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 25/06/2024
    Filesize: 849KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: DilwynMadog
    Downloads: 560

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Handley Page HP19 Hanley (oz15418) by Steve Rickett 1998 - pic 003.jpg
Handley Page HP19 Hanley (oz15418) by Steve Rickett 1998 - pic 004.jpg

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  • Plan File Filesize: 849KB Filename: Handley_Page_HP19_Hanley_oz15418.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 999KB Filename: Handley_Page_HP19_Hanley_oz15418_article.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


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