Rearwin Skyranger (oz15365)
About this Plan
Rearwin Skyranger. Radio control scale model. Wingspan 82 in. Scale is 1/5.
Quote: "1941 Rearwin Model 175 Skyranger. Designed by ME Salvay. Drawn by JB Stringle. Date March 6, 1970."
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Update 21/6/2024: Added article, thanks to RFJ.
Quote: "This presentation of a famous old Rearwin has been developed by a participant in the design of the full size machine; 1/5 actual size, seven foot wingspan results in plane that can only be described as big and beautiful. Any .50 to .60 engine is enough power. Rearwin Sklyranger, by Gene Salvay
This Skyranger article is dedicated to RA Rearwin, a pioneer airplane builder who passed away in November 1969, at the ripe old age of 91. The project actually has a double meaning, in that it models the last design turned out by the Rearwin Aircraft Company, and it represents the first airplane that I participated in the design, after graduating college with an aero engineering degree.
Mr Rearwin was a successful lumberman from Salina, Kan, who in his middle years, when most of us slow down, jumped into the aircraft manufacturing business, just before the depression of the early 30's and who man-aged to create and maintain a most successful organization until his retirement.
In October 1967, MAN published my plans to a Rearwin Sportster (oz1296). I mentioned then that I hoped to bring out models of other Rearwin airplanes. This is second in the series. As I grew up in Kansas City and worked for Rearwin prior to World War II, these planes hold a nostalgic interest for me.
I recall the day in June, 1940, when I reported for work at Fairfax Airport on the Kansas City side of the Missouri River. The Rearwin factory was housed in a large brick building with a balcony in the hangar. Ken-Royce (LeBlond) engines were being made, as well as airplanes in this approximately 35,000 square foot building. I believe the build-ing still had a sign on one wall which stated 'Universal Air Lines' or 'Trans-continental Air Lines,' which had never been painted out. The engineering department was on the second floor and was large enough for 10 drafting tables and a few desks. An old 'arc' lamp blueprint machine was in one corner with the fixing 'bath' to its side. No drawings could be made which were larger than the glass cover of this ancient blueprint maker. The room was slightly musty and dusty at all times, because the wooden wings were made next door and we couldn't keep the sawdust out. Needless to say it wasn't air conditioned in the summer, but it was overheated in the winter!
As my first job, it was an educational and fascinating one. Not only did you make the design, you also blueprinted it and rushed out into the factory with a print immediately on its completion, to review with the manufacturing people how to make the part. Then best of all, you could go flying in the machine when it was completed...
The model of the Skyranger as presented in this article is designed to 1/5 actual size. This results in approximately a seven foot wing span and a flying weight of eight pounds. The CG has been kept forward to insure good ground handling characteristics with the tail wheel type landing gear.
The model has been designed as accurate to scale as practical. It was laid out from an actual factory inboard profile drawing, with additional details and dimensions taken from a Skyranger hangared at Hawthorne airport in Los Angeles.
I have attempted features in the model design to allow for those occasional landings when everything seems to go wrong. The model flies beautifully on the rudder and elevator only and will free flight for minutes on end, if desired. There is no ground looping tendency in the model during take-off and landing if the wheel alignment is carefully controlled.
The open-able doors add considerable scale realism, and permit ready access to the R/C equipment. I used an OS Max .50 in the model with a 12 x 5 propeller which seemed to be more than adequate. Obviously, the model is not a stunting type and will not climb exceptionally fast, but it does a fine job at true scale-type flying.
The model is constructed generally in accordance with the structural configuration of the portotype airplane. As will be noticed from the plans, it provides a good model airframe as well. Ailerons can be added to the wings if desired, and their outline is shown on the plans. However, with three-piece wing, control will be more complex. A quick disconnect through the wing to fuselage joints will have to be engineered by the builder.
The R/C equipment used on my model was a four channel Bonner proportional. Rudder and elevator were controlled by the right stick, with throttle on the left one.
Construction: The model is conventional in detail design and as it is obviously not for beginners, I will go only into the unusual aspects of its construction in this article. I have attempted to make the plans as detailed as possible in order to eliminate the necessity for voluminous written instructions. I would recommend that the wings be constructed first, the fuselage and vertical tail next, and then the horizontal and landing gear.
The wing presents no problems. I suggest that the four 1/8 plywood root ribs that go on the wing and fuselage be cut out together on a jig saw. Drill the holes for the 1/8 wire attach points in all four rigs simultaneously as these will establish the proper relationship between the wing and fuselage. Assure that the root end of wing is absolutely in alignment to plans. Dihedral is very slight and therefore you can ignore any cant in the root rib. Drill holes for attaching jury struts and screws for wing struts prior to covering. Completely finish wing except for covering and set aside for the time being.
Begin fuselage construction by gluing up two side frames from hard 1/4 square balsa strips. Next cut out engine bearer D from 1/4 plywood, complete with the fuel tank holes, air holes, and engine attach holes... "
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Rearwin Skyranger
by Gene Salvay
from Model Airplane News
November 1970
82in span
Scale IC R/C Cabin
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 12/06/2024
Filesize: 1173KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: dfritzke
Downloads: 736
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