Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362)


Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Bucker Jungmeister. Radio control scale model. Wingspan 600 mm.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Quote: "Hello again Steve, Please find attached scans for a charming little RC version of the famous Bucker Jungmeister. It spans 23-1/2 in (or 600mm) and was originally designed for small diesel or glow engines and two function RC. I dare say that it could easily be made four channel with ailerons and an electric brushless motor setup and be no heavier than it was when it was originally designed.

The plan looks like it came out of a magazine, if I were to hazard a guess, it would be Radio Control Scale Aircraft Quarterly [edit: turns out it was in FSM] which was an excellent magazine for the scale model builder. My late father collected them and I have a lot of them in the loft. I really should dig them out and see which plans are in them! All the best,"

Update 12/10/2024: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

Quote: "A classic aerobatic biplane. Bucker 133 Jungmeister, by John Watters.

The inspiration to build this model came from looking at the cover of the September 1960 Aeromodeller. Depicted there are two eminently well known free flight scale modellers from the 1960's. The models they are seen holding are a Sopwith Snipe and a Jungmeister. The Snipe is well documented but I never did see the plan for the Jungmeister.

My version originally started out to be a small free flight model, either electric or CO2 powered, but a visit to the Olympia Model Engineers Exhibition in 1996 changed all that. After seeing the Cox powered pylon racers performing, the model had to be converted to radio control. As I had already started to build the model, some structural changes had to be made, but these were not too drastic. The construction method follows all the normal practices and should not give any problems.

Tail and Fin: Starting with the easy bits first, the outline laminations are formed around templates of 1/8 sheet balsa. This should be done carefully using well soaked straight grained strips of 1/32 balsa. Both the tail and fin construction is the same.

Position the centre spars over the plan and add the laminated outline to them, packing up the outline to the required height. The 1/16 ribs should now be added along with the 1/4 centre sheet and the 1/8 elevator strips.

When both items have been completed final shaping should be done with the aid of a sandpaper block, taking care to keep both sides of equal shape. Finally split the parts to obtain the elevators and rudder, sand the main spars to shape the hinge line and slot to accept the hinges. The control horns were made from thin plywood and can be fitted before or after covering.

Wings: All the wing ribs were shaped by using the sandwich method. As there are so many ribs, it may be best to shape the top and bottom wing ribs as separate groups. After shaping and slotting for the spars is complete, the ribs should be cut to length and further slotted to accept the dihedral braces, remembering that R1, R2 & R3 are thinner to take the 1/32 sheeting.

The wing outlines are constructed using the same method as the tailplane. (In the uncovered photographs of the wing, aileron spars can be seen, these were left in but never used, it was a thought at the time to make the model aileron and elevator controlled. It would have been an interesting exercise and if you wish to go that route, by all means do it. The model will probably have a good roll rate).

Both top and bottom wings have the same outline except for the centre section. Wing construction should be done in three parts, the centre section first including the dihedral braces, followed by each outer panel. Rib R4 should only be fitted when the outer panels are propped-up to the dihedral angle and being attached to the centre section. To finish the wing the strut position strips should be added, along with the 1/32 centre section top and bottom sheeting. Final wing shaping should be done with light sand paper.

Fuselage: As mentioned previously, the model was going to be designed as free flight. You can see from the photographs of the uncovered model, that there are longerons and spacers that do not appear on the plan. It was obvious that if the model was to be fitted with radio, some beefing up had to be done from the original free flight structure. This was done by sheeting the inside of the fuselage with 1/16 sheet balsa. For this radio design there is no need for the longerons and spacers.

Starting from scratch for the radio version you can begin by cutting two identical 1/16 sheet sides, to the arrow markers on the plan. The bottom wing doublers are cut from hard 1/8 sheet balsa and glued to the inside of the fuselage side sheets. It would be best at this stage to score or crack the inside faces of the sheeting, forward of F3 and behind the bottom wing trailing edge, up to position of F6. This is to obtain a parallel section in the area of the cockpit..."

Supplementary file notes



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Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - model pic

  • (oz15362)
    Bucker Jungmeister
    by John Watters
    from Flying Scale Models
    October 2015 
    23in span
    Scale IC R/C Biplane
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 27/05/2024
    Filesize: 801KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: DilwynMadog
    Downloads: 664

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Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - pic 003.jpg
Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - pic 004.jpg
Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - pic 005.jpg
Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362) by John Watters 2015 - pic 006.jpg

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  • Bucker Jungmeister (oz15362)
  • Plan File Filesize: 801KB Filename: Bucker_Jungmeister_oz15362.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1047KB Filename: Bucker_Jungmeister_oz15362_article.pdf
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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