Olympian (oz15260)


Olympian (oz15260) by Laurie Barr 1961 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Olympian. Free flight power model.

Note this is a low resolution plan.

Quote: "This model was developed to make full use of the high power to weight ratio of the Cox Olympic engine, although in fact it suits any 2.5 - 3.5 cc engine. with the advantage of accepting rear fuselage sheeting for the heavier diesels.

The flat bottom wing section and the constructional features will be controversial to some, however you will find that the wing and tailplane can be made very easily and quickly, provided you set about it in a workmanlike manner. As to the qualities of flat bottomed wing sectioned models, they do give a very fast and more important, a viceless climb, and with the light wing loading on this model, the glide is excellent.

Those of us who were privileged to witness Larry Conover's model Lucky Lindy out climb and glide every other model at Cranfleld in the World Champs in 1960, would agree that flat bottom wing sections work.

Construction: Most of the followng concerns the building of the wing and tailplane. As we have said previously it is by no means as difficult a task as it would appear. It is of paramount importance that you should make a thorough appreciation of the methods and reasons for building the flying surfaces in the manner described. Of equal importance is the fact that careful note should be taken of the wing warps (see drawing) as these must be built in, as this structure is so rigid and warp proof, that no twist can be put in afterwards, and you will have to acquire a couple of building boards, that twist in opposite directions to each other.

The idea of making up a wing with the sections cut out of sheet with a template, or bent over spars to form a section is not new. The same basic principles in this case apply except that the upper curved part of the section is made up in a two layer lamination geodetically, which at the same time allows perfect halving joints to be made, with at least one of the layers running through from LE to TE without a break.

Inner left hand panel, should be built flat. Take a stock piece of 3/4 by 3/16 TE section med hard. Cut to length between the dihedral joints (at half the angle), and taper in the length by cutting along the back (thickest edge) with a straight edge and blade. Cut LE from stock 3/8 x 1/4 in and taper in the length (as viewed from the front). Pin down to plan, then cut and fix the 3/32 square lower rib section members, noting that there are not as many of these as the upper laminated part. Cut from the appropriate thickness of hard sheet, the spar members as detailed on the plan, noting that these are also tapered in the length. It is vital that 'this work is done carefully, as it is these spars that govern the finished shape of the wing section, since the upper laminations are formed over them.

Note also that the spars are not cut to exact length between dihedral joints at this stage (unlike the LE and TE), allow them to be approximately 1-1/2 in longer to make the joining at a later stage of the tips, easier and stronger. When the LE, TE, lower rib parts and spars are set, the upper chordwise rib booms are bent and laminated over. Cut 1/8 wide strips from 1/16 quarter grained sheet, and lay them out, down the wing panel in a 'W' formation; making sure that each piece is fitted in one unbroken length between LE and TE..."

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Supplementary file notes

Article pages, thanks to RFJ.


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Olympian (oz15260) by Laurie Barr 1961 - model pic

  • (oz15260)
    by Laurie Barr
    from Aeromodeller
    June 1961 
    54in span
    IC F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 22/04/2024
    Filesize: 655KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: Circlip, RFJ
    Downloads: 196

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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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