Ford Trimotor (oz15176)


Ford Trimotor (oz15176) by Bill Winter 1950 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Ford Trimotor. Control line scale model. Wingspan 51 in. For a single .29 - 65 engine.

Quote: "Control-line Ford Trimotor. A 51 inch scale version of the most famous old time transport plane, the Tin Goose. By Bill Winter.

Of all the remembered planes in aviation history, none achieved more lasting fame than the old Ford-Stout Trimotor, or the Tin Goose as it was affectionately called. During the late twenties and early thirties the Ford ruled the airways. Its ability to lift heavy loads in short distances has put the Tin Goose in demand even today for use in tropical air strips hemmed in by jungle.

When the Ford first appeared it was powered by three puny 200 horsepower Wright Whirlwind engines; eventually it was fitted with the more powerful 425 horsepower Pratt & Whitney Wasps, hidden in the then new fangled ring-style cowlings. And, while it spanned 68 feet, the gross load of the early model was only 9,200 pounds, about one-third of what some modern single-engine dive bombers can carry.

Though these figures seem humble today, the early 110 mph Ford made transportation history. Its fame as the first all-metal American transport will always make it dear to model builders.

Our Ford model closely duplicates the original in that it is entirely of wood, doped silver to resemble the all-metal surfaces of the big ship. As a control-line scale model it is unique for the size relative to its power plant. Over 50 inches in span, it will fly realistically on any good .29 engine; the power plant used on the original model is the popular K&B 32. A large engine was avoided so that the appearance around the nose would not be too distorted by the cylinder. To get by with the small engine, the construction was worked out to give great strength with light weight.

MI's Tin Goose will take a beating! What maneuvers would be possible with a .60 we cannot say, except that the light weight and generous wing should make possible quite a few stunts. With the .29 to .32 engines, it is meant for realistic flying.

Small, scale free-wheeling props are fitted to the two nacelles. These may be removed if desired for flying, though the ship will perk with the little props windmilling madly.

The fuselage sides are cut from medium hard 1/8 sheet balsa. Note that it will be necessary to butt joint two sheets to get the necessary width of material. When the sides are cut out, carefully mark off the positions of all bulkheads. Note especially that the portion of the sides from former 2 forward has soft 1/4 in sheet balsa cemented to the inside face (see top view.)

Begin assembly by cementing in place formers 2, 4 and 5. Note that former 2 consists of two plies of 1/8 sheet balsa and one plywood, on the front face, of 1/16 plywood. This former is cut out to take the motor mounts and for a slot to permit movement of the bellcrank. Assemble former 1 from 1/8 ply and 1/4 in sheet balsa, as seen on top and side views. After cementing this former in position slide the 3/8 x 1/2 in hardwood mounts into place. Install former 3.

The fuel tank is located on the mounts and is flush against the back of former 1. Build in the bellcrank and then construct the wire portion of the landing gear. The three-inch Veco bell-crank mounts on a sandwich formed of two plies of 1/8 plywood and a 1/4 in filling of sheet balsa, the whole being cemented snugly between the mounts. Attach both 1/16 wire leads (1/16 wire) and pushrod to the bellcrank, permitting the leads to stick out the portside windows..."

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Ford Trimotor (oz15176) by Bill Winter 1950 - model pic

  • (oz15176)
    Ford Trimotor
    by Bill Winter
    from Mechanix Illustrated
    June 1950 
    51in span
    Scale IC C/L Multi
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 09/02/2024
    Filesize: 2448KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: dfritzke
    Downloads: 438

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