Handley Page HP75 Manx (oz15118)


Handley Page HP75 Manx (oz15118) by Gerry Rathband 1996 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Handley Page HP75 Manx. Radio control scale model. Twin pusher layout. For electric power with 2x Speed 400 motors.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 18/2/2024: Added article, thanks to PaulSluce.

Quote: "As they say, don't you just love it when a plan comes together and these words certainly rang true with this model of the Handley Page HP 75 Manx.

I don't think that you will ever see such a Dan Dare lookalike aircraft. Tice Manx really does look like something straight out of the Eagle comic book (I remember reading an old one belonging to my father!). I must admit that its strange looks drove me to research the Manx further. To my surprise, I found it did fly and was helpful in Handley Page's research into tailless aircraft.

So, with absolutely no experience with tailless models, my emotive theory was simply that the real one flew, and so can a model.

Where Aangels fear to tread: I have supported the Handley Page competition at the Model Engineering Exhibition, Olympia, since its inception, entering a different model every year (some more successful than others!) and the main source of inspiration and enlightenment regarding HP types suitable to model has been the CH Barnes book of HP Aircraft Since 1907 by Putnam (an excellent bible). Year after year, I have looked at the Manx, shook my head and turned the page, resisting the temptation to make a fool of myself.

But in Autumn 1995, the silly side took over again. I began by making a profile sheet balsa glider, mainly to get some sort of idea where the centre of gravity should be.

Try as I might, I could not get a stable glide and gained little knowledge. Undeterred, I pressed on with an all blue foam powered model, electric of course (I don't stick my neck out).

Before its completion, it was becoming clear that it would not be a good prospect for indoor flying, so the Manx was shelved temporarily and another model hurriedly completed in time for the Olympia show

Little work was required to complete the prototype and shortly after Olympia, a first flight trial was imminent at the sign of suitable weather conditions. A flying buddy of mine, Trevor Fissendon was coerced into helping, so with me on the sticks, our first powered tests proved two things:

1) My calculations for C of G were badly amiss (from Trevor's hand launch, a vertical climb reverted to a vertical dive to terra firma).

2) Blue foam really does repair easily, so much so that two further attempts were made that day, the last of which was promising, but far from satisfactory.

But then, I never thought that it was going to be easy and the sight of this strange craft in the air, even for such a short time was making me more determined to continue.

Trevor has had some experience of flying wings as slope soarers and on his suggestion, we needed more ballast, in the way of larger batteries and more reflex on the elevons, after which, we achieved stable, level flight.

Don't you just hate a clever dick! His suggestions were spot on, as we found out in later flights; we found excessive forward C of G was not critical, but a millimetre or so rearward of the maximum, and the beast had a mind of its own. Frightening!

Eventually, we found the optimum balance point, but we still had far from satisfactory flights, resulting in untimely arrivals to Mother Earth. The model by now had been pieced together many times, but still resembled the Manx..."

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Handley Page HP75 Manx (oz15118) by Gerry Rathband 1996 - model pic

  • (oz15118)
    Handley Page HP75 Manx
    by Gerry Rathband
    from Aviation Modeller International
    October 1996 
    49in span
    Scale Electric R/C Multi Pusher
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 15/01/2024
    Filesize: 956KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: dfritzke
    Downloads: 668

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Handley Page HP75 Manx (oz15118) by Gerry Rathband 1996 - pic 003.jpg

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  • Supplement Filesize: 2930KB Filename: Handley_Page_HP75_Manx_oz15118_article.pdf
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