Cri-Cri (oz14941)


Cri-Cri (oz14941) by Ray Malmstrom 1998 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Cri-Cri. Simple rubber profile sport model.

Quote: "Cri-Cri. Build Ray Malmstrom's version of the smallest twin ever!

There can be very few aircraft enthusiasts who have not had their imagination fired by Michael Colombans' tiny Cri-Cri (cricket). First powered by motor cycle engines, it is now, through the enthusiasm and work of Captain Yves Duval (an airline pilot flying A340s for Air France), fitted with two tiny jet engines and re-designated MC15J.

Our profile model of Cri-Cri features straight forward construction, and the plan shows all the constructional features. Cri-Cri is mainly intended for indoor flying.

We would like to spend a short while with you, and mention the test flying of the original Cri-Cri. For flight-testing we put our tiny twin into the capable hands of two friends and fellow club members, John Valiant and Chris Strachen. Chris has, incidentally, served many years on the BMFA Technical Committee.

First flights, carried out in one of Impington Village College assembly halls, revealed the fact that the model did not perform well when flown in LEFT-hand circles. John and Chris decided to off-set the prop shifts to the RIGHT, together with some up trim on the tailplane tabs, and a little right turn on the fin tab.

These adjustments dramatically altered the whole picture. Cri-Cri immediately began to fly right-hand circuits very consistently. With 800 approx. turns, it climbs well, cruises at ceiling height, with a fairly shallow glide path. Success had crowned John and Chris' efforts!

One last point. You do need a helper when winding. Usually there is no shortage of volunteers! So that's it, friends. We do hope you will feel keen to give little Cri-Cri a go - and get with the action! "

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Cri-Cri (oz14941) by Ray Malmstrom 1998 - model pic


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