Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732)


Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Caudron C.445 Goeland. Free flight scale model twin, for electric power.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Quote: "Hello again Steve, I was hoping to give this one the full Levente II treatment, I’ve written the type history document but have yet to draw the illustrations, build the model and complete a build instruction manual.

I spent a lot of time trying to find suitable motors for it and managed to purchase some tiny brushless motors from China that would turn scale counter rotating propellers (the full sized machine had handed engines and propellers). I also intended to have removable undercarriage and fairings to look like closed UC doors that could be fitted for flight.

The intention remains to build it and to include power system information and additional drawings showing the power system installed, I just don’t know when I’ll get around to it! The only intentional deviation from scale is an increased tailplane area and slightly increased dihedral.

The real aircraft served with lots of civil operators and several militaries, both Allied and Axis, so colour scheme choices are plentiful. I think it would make a great lightweight electric twin for RC if scaled up to double size and fitted with light retracts.

I’ll send you the rest of the documents if/when I find the time to construct a prototype. All the best, Pete"

Update 8/9/2024: Added photos of completed model, also build details and flight report, thanks to PeteTheobold, Barry.

Quote: "Dear Steve and Mary, Barry, my friend up in the far north of Scotland, an avid model builder, pilot and exemplary photographer, who recently completed a lovely De Havilland Dragon from oz11640, very kindly agreed to prototype a Caudron C.445 Goeland from the plan I submitted last year. He sensibly enlarged the design by 145%, giving a span of 30", and made it four channel radio control [main pic, 003-013].

The model is powered by a pair of Happymodel ES1103S 6000kV 3.8g brushless outrunner motors, turning 4.5" propellers. Just as with the full-sized Goeland, the propellers are handed and counter rotate. The battery is an 1800mAh 1S 3.7V LiPo, fitted just ahead of the wing, and the ESCs are Walkera brushless helicopter units. It uses four 3g micro servos for the control surfaces and the receiver is a 4 channel Flysky FS2A.

Structural and aerodynamic changes made were as follows - The hollow nose was built up from laminations of balsa sheet, oriented vertically. The fuselage side ladders incorporate a couple more diagonal strips to stiffen the wing saddle area. The wing's incidence was reduced to very near zero to prevent ballooning under power, a sensible change from the original design, which was intended for free flight. The dihedral was reduced to be more scale. The wing leading edge was sheeted all the way to the tips to improve strength and give a more consistent aerofoil section between ribs. The cowl bowls and various cowl and fuselage ducts and vents are vacuum formed from clear plastic. The nacelle bottoms are strip planked as opposed to being made from block/sheet balsa. Structure has been added to allow control surface hinging and the ailerons and elevator have been slightly enlarged from scale to improve control authority, very useful in the blustery Highlands of Scotland. The wingtips, fin and tailplane outlines have been beefed up and made from strip and sheet balsa, instead of the laminated versions shown on the plan.

Covering is matt finish (soft-touch) Doculam, and the paint is sprayed white acrylic, with the blue being brush painted, using Tamiya masking tape for the straight portions and free hand for the curved areas. Decals are home printed onto decal paper and the whole model was given a sprayed coat of matt varnish to seal the decals and give a uniform finish. All up weight is 170g (6oz), a very commendable weight for a model of this size.

Test flights took place on September the 3rd, 2024, in a 10mph wind, which bounced the model around a little, but control authority was more than adequate to compensate for this. Barry reports that the model is very benign at the stall and can be slowed down very nicely, he said it looks amazing in the air, something that I think the photographs more than adequately prove!

Seeing Barry's beautiful model has made me want to build one myself. With best wishes, Pete Theobald"

See also RCGroups thread at for more details, more pics.


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Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - model pic

  • (oz14732)
    Caudron C.445 Goeland
    by Pete Theobald
    21in span
    Scale Electric F/F LowWing Multi
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 23/07/2023
    Filesize: 896KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: PeteTheobold
    Downloads: 984

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Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 003.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 004.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 005.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 006.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 007.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 008.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 009.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 010.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 011.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 012.jpg
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732) by Pete Theobald 2023 - pic 013.jpg

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User comments

A splendid little job! Even the draughting style looks vintage, which implies that I have to find a stock of old yellowed paper to print this :)
We'll be waiting for the rest of the "Levente II treatment", which if the same standard is applied to the Goeland should be a stunner!
Miguel - 09/08/2023
I second Miguel’s comments about the classic elegance of the drawings. The style is reminiscent of Pres Bruning.
TimE - 09/08/2023
Thank you, Miguel and Tim, I do really want to get around to building this one but would be very happy if another modelmaker got there first. The plan's been drawn for a long time, I have the motors, I have the timer unit, I might even have a suitable battery somewhere. The only thing I'm short of is time to build!
Pete Theobald - 10/08/2023
"When I was young I had plenty of time but no money, Now I have enough money but no time to make use of it."
Miguel - 10/08/2023
I’m pleased to report that a prototype of the model has now been built from the plans by my pal, Barry, enlarged to 30” and made four channel RC. Plenty of excellent photos plus write ups detailing the equipment used, modifications made and a flight report have been submitted to the Outerzone team for inclusion on this page!
Pete Theobald - 04/09/2024
Have added photos now [main pic, 003-013], thanks to Pete Theobold and Barry. Outstanding work :)
SteveWMD - 08/09/2024
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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