Z-15 / Slow Poke (oz14428)


Z-15 / Slow Poke (oz14428) by Frank Zaic, Jim Lueken 2011 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Z-15 (Slow Poke). Simple rubber stick model.

Note the plan scans are from DCMaxecuters site [see datafile]. See also this post by Jhl33224 on RCGroups: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost...

Quote: "The original Z-15 was designed by Frank Zaic back in the early 70’s. I was 12 years old and had recently met Mr. Zaic. He gave a preproduction kit to myself and Ken Hannan to build, fly and review. He did produce a few kits but they never went into full production. About 10 years ago I found a sheet of paper that I traced the parts on before covering them. All of the parts were die cut. Leading and trailing edges were tapered. I did a small redesign so stock size sticks from the hobby shop could be used and published it in Flying Models. I had forgotten the name so came up with Z-15. Then a friend gave me one of the complete kits! What a great gift! And now I know the name… Slow Poke. I’ve included a pic of my prototype [main pic]."

Update 10/3/2023: Added article, thanks to RFJ.

Quote: "It's been a long time but now you too can build this nifty little model. If you have built an AMA Cub you can build this model with-out too much trouble and use the prop from your Cub. As far as props go, any 5-1/2 inch prop will be fine and a larger 6-inch may work well also. A2Z CORP has a very nice assembly, part number PA095, which was used on the model in the photos.

Remember to build as light as possible, choosing light balsa for everything except the motor stick which should be medium hard.

Glue? Whatever you like! I still prefer good old Titebond but you could use Am-broid or any of the CyA glues available today. Covering? Again, lots of choices today. If you use Japanese tissue make sure you preshrink it before covering the model. Do not water shrink or dope the tissue after covering the model. Also, cover only one side of each surface.

There was only enough room on the plans for half of the wing so you will need to make two and when covering make sure to make a right and a left side.

Did you build one? I hope so! Time to fly! Start out by making up a motor from 1/8 or 3/16 rubber about 10 to 11 inches long. If you have a very light model the 1/2 inch should be more than enough. Install the motor and slide the wing back and forth until it balances according to the plans. Give it a few test glides and if all looks good give it 100 turns or so and give it a toss. Use rud-der tab and tip weight to achieve a nice open right hand climb.

If all goes well, crank in some more turns and do it again continuing to increase the number of turns until you're at full power. The max number of turns is one less than breaks the motor!

The model in the photos, with a loop of 3/16-inch rubber climbs like a rocket to the right and glides down in large left hand circles. I hope you have fun with your Z-15."

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Z-15 / Slow Poke (oz14428) by Frank Zaic, Jim Lueken 2011 - model pic


Z-15 / Slow Poke (oz14428) by Frank Zaic, Jim Lueken 2011 - pic 003.jpg
Z-15 / Slow Poke (oz14428) by Frank Zaic, Jim Lueken 2011 - pic 004.jpg

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User comments

Z-15 is a great intro FF plane.
Dave B - 10/03/2023
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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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