Macchi M-16 (oz14308)


Macchi M-16 (oz14308) by Lindsey Smith 1990 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Macchi M-16. Peanut scale rubber model floatplane.

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Quote: "This peanut scale plan for the Macchi M-16 'seaplane' appeared in the March/April 1990 issue of the MAX-FAX newsletter of the DC Maxecuters which was found in the Hippocketaeronautics Builder's Plan Gallery [see datafile]. The issue was posted by Mescal1. There is no authorship on the plan. The newsletter gave credit to Lindsey Smith in England for forwarding the plan originally. The attached pic was on the cover of the issue."

"I have obtained more information about the M-16 that was published in the May/June 1990 Issue of MaxFax. Lindsey Smith wrote an article about the plan published in the previous issue. It is attached here..."

Quote: "Macchi M16, by Lindsey Smith.

The version of the rules for the Peanut class used in the National Competition by the British SMAE, or BMFA as it now calls itself, gives bonus points for both multi wings and seaplane designs. The points are cumulative, so a biplane seaplane gets 18 bonus points, a triplane seaplane would get a whopping 24 points, (Curtiss Wasp here I come!). Hence my last four peanuts have all been antique water aircraft Viz Curtiss CR3, Voisin Canard (Thanks Don Srull), Martin MS1, and finally this machine. The Martin was too heavy so I determined this time to build light and looked around for a suit-able subject that would be reasonably sturdy.

There is a picture of this aircraft in the Putnam book United States Navy Aircraft Since 1911. The Navy acquired three in 1922 and so the photo appears in the appendix dealing with foreign aircraft purchased or tried out by the Navy. Unfortunately, there is no 3-view and several appeals to acquaintances failed to turn one up except for one of the land based version in two forms, both of which varied in detail from the float version.

I finally found a Vac-U-Form 1/72 scale kit of the beast which contained a rather dodgy 3-view on which this design is based, but if anyone out there has something better I should be very grateful for sight of it!

The model is fairly straight-forward stick and tissue construc-tion throughout, only those lower fuselage longerons being slightly out of the ordinary, 1/20 balsa will take those curves but is not too happy about holding them!

I had to raise the thrust line of the engine to get enough blade area and the resultant torque effect means that the model re-quires about 1/8 right rudder to fly left in anything but a tight corkscrew, hence the side thrust.

Inevitably the weight of my model has crept up from about 15 grams to just over 20 in flying trim. Its best flight at this year's nationals, where it came in 4th, was 31 seconds with a static score of 56 which put it first in Scale. If I could have gotten it to take off it might have made 3rd with the extra twenty points for two ROG's. The first two places had best flights of 81 and 51 seconds respectively plus R.O.G. points, so they were out of reach.

The SMAE has just accepted the 9 inch fuselage variation in Peanut and I have scaled up the plane to this size, which gives an extra 1/2 inch of rubber space which might just do the trick to put it in contention. Otherwise it will be a Curtiss Wasp for next season! "

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Macchi M-16 (oz14308) by Lindsey Smith 1990 - model pic


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