G-Whiz (oz14184)


G-Whiz (oz14184) by Louis Bucalo 1943 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

G-Whiz Cabin Job. Rubber sport model.

Quote: "G-Whiz Cabin Job. Design by Louis Bucalo. Text by Ira Dyer.

DUE TO THE present scarcity of materials the trend in model building has been toward simpler and smaller ships. The 'forty-inch motor of twenty-four strands' is both unpatriotic and exhorbitantly expensive. Contests of the 'out-of-town' type don't exist; consequently, model flying is confined to the local park or lot. This month we present another 'Victory Ship' in the sense that it is small, but adapted to the local contests.

Because of the size of the G-Whiz flying will necessitate fair weather; however, if a larger ship is desired, the plans can be scaled up very easily by means of a pair of dividers.

Fuselage and Wing: The construction of the fuselage is unique, but simple. The longerons are of 3/32 sq medium-hard balsa while the bracing is essentially 1/16 sq. Carefully sand all members before assembly. The sides AB and CD can be constructed directly from the plans. The detail of fuselage construction clearly shows how the two sides are joined. It may be necessary to pin the two sides in the right relation to each other when joining them. The braces in the top or short side correspond to the braces of side AB and the braces on the bottom correspond to the ones on the side CD. After joining the sides, put in the nose and tail sheet bracing of 1/32 sheet balsa.

The landing gear is composed of a single microfilm-wire bent and installed as shown. Twin tails provide balance for takeoffs. The nose block is cut from medium-hard balsa to the shape shown on the plans. Carefully go over all glue joints and after they are dry, sandpaper the fuselage as a unit. A circular toothpick can be used for the dowel to hold the rubber. Covering is done with ordinary tissue and two coats of clear dope are applied to the surfaces.

Wing construction is simple and employs ordinary dihedral with a butt joint. Use the airfoil shown on the plans. Be sure to taper the trailing edge and round off the leading edge. .The drawings are self-explanatory, so we presume you have the construction completed by now. Carefully sand all joints before covering wing top and bottom. Wet, allow to dry, and dope twice. The wing mounts are bent from .031" piano wire to the shape shown. Imbed the cant hooks of the front wing mount onto the leading edge and imbed the cant hooks of the rear mount in the trailing edge. Glue the mounts to the wing with several coats of dope.

Tail Surfaces: Conventional construction is used on the stabilizer. Round out the leading edge and taper the trailing edge. Cut ribs of 1/16 sheet to the airfoil shown on the plans. Before covering, sand stabilizer, which is covered top and bottom. Wet the paper lightly and allow to dry well before doping at least twice. The rudders are cut from 1/32 sheet to the shape shown. The rudders are doped once and sandpapered. Glue the rudders to the stabilizer. Glue the stabilizer to the rear part of the fuselage, making sure neither negative nor positive angle is given.

The propeller block is cut from medium-hard balsa. Make a high-pitch prop, carefully sanding to a thin airfoil. Note folder. Dope the prop with clear dope only, and balance with solder as shown. The prop shaft is bent to the shape shown from .031 piano wire. (Note washers) Rubber tubing is put around the hook to safe-guard the rubber. The motor is made up of four strands of 1/8 inch flat rubber. Put the rubber in the ship after lubricating it with green soap and glycerine.

Flying: Small ships are easy to adjust if directions are followed and they react to the slightest adjustment readily. Select a calm day for flying. The wing should be at the center of gravity of the fuselage. Glide until a flat angle is obtained. Put the left turn in the rudders so that it glides in tight left circles. Plenty of right thrust will make the ship climb slightly to the right and almost straight up. For adjusting use only 200 winds, but for long flights, pack in 650 winds with a winder.

You'll find the G-Whiz a good flyer, a sturdy and simple job with little on it to get out of kilter. The order of the day demands this type of plane and you'll be seeing more of them as time goes on. Write in and let us know how your G-Whiz stacks up against earlier and more elaborate models for performance and endurance."

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G-Whiz (oz14184) by Louis Bucalo 1943 - model pic

  • (oz14184)
    by Louis Bucalo
    from Flying Aces
    July 1943 
    13in span
    Rubber F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 24/10/2022
    Filesize: 248KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: theshadow
    Downloads: 235

G-Whiz (oz14184) by Louis Bucalo 1943 - pic 003.jpg

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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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