Bebe Jodel (oz1413)


Bebe Jodel (oz1413) by Gerald Zeigenfuse 1958 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Bebe-Jodel. Free flight rubber scale model.

Quote: "Bebe Jodel, by Gerald Zeigenfuse. It's rubber-powered. It's simple; It flies. For a beginner with a yen for scale, for the experienced modeler who appreciates sport flying, this cute French homebuilt light-plane makes astonishing good subject. And inexpensive.

The Bebe-Jodel is a single-seat French light plane of only 23 feet span. It uses a converted Volkswagen engine for power and can do over 90 mph. Its proportions are almost perfect for modeling and this has been proven by the snappy performance of the model. It appeared six years ago as a three view in the April 1952 issue of MAN and has been a favorite of the author ever since.

It is presented at a scale of 3/4 in = 1 ft with the usual modifications for good flying. Namely, enlarged tail surfaces, slightly increased dihedral, and a lengthened landing gear to provide ground clearance for the 6 in dia plastic prop, which is easily obtained at any hobby shop.

This model makes an ideal subject for the beginner and will give excellent performance if a reasonable amount of care is taken during construction. Since full-size plans have been provided you can get right down to business.

First, carefully remove the plans from the magazine and tape or cement thern together. Check with a ruler or straight edge to see that both halves are lined up. The centerline of the fuselage is a good reference line. Let's begin by building the fuselage.

Cut out the 1/32 sheet fuselage sides. Trace the outline from the plan directly onto the wood by using carbon paper or you may prefer to use the pin prick method. To do this, place the wood under the plan and stick a pin through the plan every so often around the-outline. Then trace around the pin pricks with a razor blade or modeling knife, using a straight edge as a guide, to obtain a perfect fuselage side. Use this side as a pattern and cut out a duplicate. Cement in place the 1/16 sq uprights and the 1/32 sheet doubler at the rear motor hook location.

To assemble the sides, cut 1/16 sq cross braces for the front and rear of the cockpit and cement them in place, making sure that the fuselage sides are straight and square. Let the cement set for about one half hour and then pull the fuselage sides together at the rear and cement. Cement all the crossbraces in place from the cockpit rearward. Then, pull the sides together at the nose and cement the nose crosspieces in place. A small rubber band wrapped around the nose will hold it together until the cement dries.

The next step is to cut out all the bulkheads from 1/16 sheet and cement them in place as shown on the plan. Cement in place the 1/16 sq stringers..."

Update 27/04/12: Uploaded a much improved scan of this plan, courtesy of wtool.

Update 02/06/2016: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, thanks to Poacher.

Supplementary file notes

Article (incomplete).
Previous scan version.


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Bebe Jodel (oz1413) by Gerald Zeigenfuse 1958 - model pic


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  • Bebe Jodel (oz1413)
  • Plan File Filesize: 335KB Filename: Bebe_Jodel_D-9_18in_oz1413.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 770KB Filename: Bebe_Jodel_D-9_18in_oz1413_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 384KB Filename: Bebe_Jodel_D-9_18in_oz1413_previous.pdf
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