Taube (oz13956)
About this Plan
Taube. Radio control sport scale model.
Note the printed plan says: "Designed by Ray A Van de Walker" but here at Oz we are crediting this design to Richard Wegener, see comments - and pics - for why :)
Planfile includes build instructions and flying notes.
Quote: "Taube. Designed by Ray A Ven de Walker, drawn by Don Wright, 3-6-73.
FUSELAGE AND TAIL: Cut out fuselage parts F1 thru F4. Cement F3 to F1 and F4 to F2. Add F5 and F6 to their respective sides, then add the 1/8 square and the 1/8 x 3/8 supports. Cement the body sides together at the tail then cement firewall F7 in place at the nose.
When dry add the fuselage spacers starting with those at the rear wing dowel working forward and aft. Cement F8 and F9 in place making sure the landing gear cutout is between the two 1/8 x 3/8 landing gear supports. Add the 1/16 sheet to the fuselage top and bottom, the 1/4 sheet nose block, the 3/8 tail block and F10.
Make the landing gear assembly. When dry, cement in place so that it is flash with the bottom of the fuselage.
At this point if your Taube is to be radio controlled using the system shown, make the torque rod, bearings and support as an assembly, then install it. To make the assembly, first bend forward end of torque rod, then cement forward bearing in the 1/8 x 3/8 support, slide this and the rear bearing onto the torque rod and bend the aft end.
Add 1/8 ply F11, 3/8 in down from top of F7. Add 1/4 sheet cowl cheeks and the 1/8 dowel for wing hold down. Add tail skid.
Coat the firewall with 3 coats of dope or epoxy. When dry install the engine.
Cement horizontal parts E1, E2 and E3 together, sand smooth and cement to fuselage. Cement vertical parts R1, R2 and R3 together and sand smooth.
If your Taube is to be radio controlled add the rudder R4 with the sew type hinge. Form the rudder actuator arm from a paper clip and cement it to rudder. Cement this complete assembly to the fuselage. This completes the fuselage construction. Sand assembly smooth and refer to cover instructions.
WING: Construct two wing halves. Mark off rib locations on the TE and cut the 1/16 x 1/8 notches. Lay down the TE and spar and W1. Next add all WR2 ribs and WR3 rib. (WR1 rib and dihedral braces are not added until wing halves are joined). Next add LE, W10 gussets and W2 thru W9. Shape the LE and tip. Block the wing halves to form the dihedral making sure that the LE spar and TE at the center section are angled to give a good butt joint. Add D1 thru D3 dihedral braces. When dry add ribs WR1 and the 1/16 sheet center section top and bottom. Sand structure smooth and refer to cover instructions.
COVERING: Prior to covering the model give the entire structure one coat of clear dope. When dry, sand lightly and then apply tissue. Shrink the tissue on the wing with a light water spray. When dry apply at least 3 coats of clear dope to the model and then if desired a color coat may be added. Apply other covering such as Monohote, Solar Film, etc. according to the manufacturers instructions.
RADIO INSTALLATION: Radio installations vary and are becoming more numerous for small models. The installation shown and recommended is the ACE R/C pulse commander R-O standard system. It is a very reliable and easy to install system. The Taube has also been flown with small proportional equipment using rudder elevator and motor control. With this equipment the flying weight is 20 ounces and the Taube handles it very well.
FLYING - RADIO CONTROLLED: Check completed model to insure all surfaces are warp free. Holding the model at the CG the nose should hang slightly down, about 2 or 3 degrees. If your Taube has a .049 size engine, insta!! the prop backwards for the first flights. This will allow you to run the engine at a high RPM where it runs best and give less thrust for a gentle flight.
All flights should be ROG, when you release your Taube let it roll about 20 feet before giving it any conunand. When airborne keep it straight or in a very gentle turn and gain altitude. When you think it's high enough and safe let it fly hand off to check for trim and adjustments required.
When the engine quits check the glide and make a few turns (assuming your altitude is high) and note how the nose drops. This is a characteristic of rudder only R/C. You have no elevator to correct this nose down tenclency in a tight turn so do not make tight turns close to the ground.
When ready to land line up with the runway about 50 feet high and 100 feet out and bring it in. When flying with .020 engines use the prop as its normally installed.
FLYING - FREE FLIGHT: Check for warps and balance as noted in the R/C instructions. For balance it may be necessary to add ballast to the battery compartment. Be sure it is packed in foam and secured so it con't move. With .049 engines install the prop backwards for the first flights. For .020 engines use the prop as it's normally installed."
Direct submission to Outerzone.
Note see Starduster X (oz6643) for rib templates that fit this plan.
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by Richard Wegener
from Competition Models
40in span
Scale IC R/C Military Kit
clean :)
formers unchecked
Submitted: 05/07/2022
Filesize: 1550KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: TomRyan
Downloads: 857
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User comments
I think it more closely represents the Rumpler Taube oz6007 than the Etrich. Charlie Yost of San Diego used to fly one of these in 1/2A Texaco Scale compsBert Stein - 19/07/2022
You mean the ScaleType link? We simply link to the closest Wiki page we can find. That's the system. Often those pages are 'collective' if you see what I mean. There currently is only one Wiki page for the Taube. That's why the plan you mentioned Rumpler Taube (oz6007) also uses the same ScaleType link to the same Wiki page, which, again, is titled "Etrich_Taube". Long story short: if you want us to add a ScaleType link to a Wiki page that as yet does not exist, then you will need to put some work in, and create that page.
SteveWMD - 19/07/2022
Putting it another way: The Wiki link we have here is massively useful, has tons of info about the Taube aircraft, and begins as follows: "The Etrich Taube, also known by the names of the various later manufacturers who built versions of the type, such as the Rumpler Taube, was a pre-World War I monoplane aircraft. It was the first military aeroplane to be mass-produced in Germany. The Taube was designed in 1909 by Igo Etrich of Austria-Hungary, and first flew in 1910. It was licensed for serial production by Lohner-Werke in Austria and by Edmund Rumpler in Germany..."
SteveWMD - 19/07/2022
I'm kind of a Taube nut. For those who might like additional references on Taube variants, try: Taube, Dove of War by Col. John A. de Vries, an old, out-of-print survey of all known variants with detailed scale drawings of the 1913 Etrich Taube and 3-views of a few obscure types; The Taube at War, Windsock Datafile 104 by Peter Grosz with detailed Rumpler Taube 4C and Jeannin Stahltaube scale drawings plus photos of other variants; Gotha Aircraft of WW1 by Jack Herris, with Gothe Taube LE3 and LE4 drawings (the Gotha LE3 is my favorite with those big crosses on the wings and, historically, by the time of Marne 1914 the most relevant Taube in the German inventory); Albatros Aircraft of WW1 Vol 1 - Early Two-Seaters by Jack Herris, which has drawings of the EE and FT monoplane Taubes and photos of Taube biplanes which would make for an interesting flying model; and Die Jeannin-Stahltaube A.180/14 by Krzyzan and Steinle (German text), a history of the evolution of Jeannin Taubes followed by a photo-rich documentation of the restoration of the Jeannin StahlTaube at the Deutsches Technikmuseum. You could also go to wingnutwing's website (are we allowed to mention plastic models here?) and find great interior drawings and other documentation for their 1:32 scale model of the Jeannin StahlTaube. Etrich's patent was denied in Germany, hence, there are a multitude of German Taube manufacturers. Any of the Taube balsa plans here (Thank you, OuterZone!) can be modified to look like most any of these variants with a little effort. And unless you plan on adding an external spar below the wing, which should be highly cambered, and dozens of warping wires, these models are always going to be stand-off scale anyway. They will still be beautiful birds!
Gary M - 19/07/2022
Gary, I may have gotten the wrong idea but it looks like you really like Täube :))
Miguel - 20/07/2022
Because the aircraft bears the name Dove, a lot of people naturally assumed its wing planform was derived from the bird. This is not true. It was patterned after the Zanonia seed which glides from its tree great distances
Joe Pedantic - 20/07/2022
Here's a little information:
In the late 1960's, early 1970's, I was in Junior High (re: "Middle School") and High School. I "worked" for Competition Models. On Saturdays and during the week during summer break, I would pack kits for Sal and Van and in return, I'd get a kit. (hence the quotes around work) I ended up building/flying almost every kit that Competition Models sold (the exception was the 1/2A Starduster and the Paper Tiger) Sal and Van were my mentors. Sal more than Van, but that was because I was (am) much more interested in FreeFlight than R/C.
My family lived only a few blocks from Van. A short bike-ride to hang out and absorb as much as I could. Van was an Engineer at North American and worked on the XB-70 and B1.
Around 1972 or so, Van asked me if I could design a Taube for possible kitting. Not being much of a scale modeler (FreeFlight endurance), I used a drawing of a Rumpler Tuabe. From what I can remember, it was basically a pulp-fiction drawing, So, that explains why this is a stand way, way off "scale" airplane. I was probably 12 or 13 at the time.
You may be interested that the airfoil are just ribs from a Star Duster X. The first couple airplanes I flew with a Babe Bee .049 and a Ace Pulse Commander for control. Van then took the design added Elevator, Rudder and Throttle. The airplane actually flies better than it looks. I can't tell you how many I ended up flying. At least 4 or 5 anyway.
I've never figured out why Van never gave me credit for the design, but hey... It's not like they made millions off the design.
I still have an un-built kit in the garage.
BTW - If you are wondering about the decal set, it is the same decal sheet as the Competition Models Eindecker.
Richard W. Wegener - 21/07/2022
There you are, another sad story of child labour exploitation. Nevertheless it seems you absourbed (this one carries an 'u' as well, right?) a magic art: stuffing a kit inside a box! Whenever I try this I end up with a bulge or two, or parts that won't fit at all, so that wasn't an entirely misspent youth :))
Seriously, it must have been a tremendous experience for a kid :)
Miguel - 21/07/2022
Great story Richard, according to the tail shape (not a dove tail) probably you faced with a Rumpler Taube C4 3view. Could be interesting to find the source.
Pit - 21/07/2022
Hello, Please add these pictures to Taube (oz13956). The orange airplane [pics 007-009] was the original prototype, designed by me in 1972. The red airplane [main pic] is the second prototype. Thank you. From Chandler, AZ, USA,
Richard Wegener - 23/07/2022
Hi Richard - excellent pics, many thanks. Have updated the listing now so it shows your name as the designer on this Taube plan. Seems only fair :)
SteveWMD - 23/07/2022
Thank you Steve! Appreciate it. One other bit of information: the landing gear (bent 1/16 Music Wire) is the same as the one in the Eindecker, SST and HydroStar. The wheels were the same plastic ones found in the Eindecker and SST. The HydroStar wheels were 1/2 Dia. wood.
Richard W. Wegener - 24/07/2022
Good grief! What happened to your model? Was it the same rock that chewed up your jeans? :)
Miguel - 24/07/2022
Thanks for posting this Taube. The model was something of a dog with the Ace pulse equipment I had at the time. I am looking forward to revisiting this design with a modern XPS Nano receiver (2.4 Ghtz) and a small diesel or electric motor. As I recall, the glide was respectable.
Sean Wentz - 05/08/2022
Seems I got the Taube kit when I was a kid of 14 back in 1974. I intended to put my Ace pulse gear in it with a Tee Dee .020 in the nose but it got put the back shelf - for 48 years. I finally pulled the dusty old kit out and decided to build it, but now as a modern electric. Seems I got carried away with customization and the result is what you see here [pics 010,011]. Covered with silk & dope. Flies great even if it is grossly overpowered!
Eric Strengell - 16/01/2023
Charlie Yost and I chased for each other at Taft and at Lost Hills for most of the 80s and all of the 90s. That Taube of his was a great flyer, and it would fly OOS at almost every contest. So the two of us would have a long search to retrieve the model. I finally got tired of spending half the contest day looking for that model--and insisted that Charlie and I share the expense of a Walston Retrieval system. It's a great little sport model. These days I wouldn't bother with a retrieval system on it--but I sure would use a Remote Dethermalizer (RDT) to bring it down when it wants to wander.
Mike Myers - 19/01/2023
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