Cloudbuster Bipe (oz13912)


Cloudbuster Bipe (oz13912) by Alfred Cleave 1943 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Cloudbuster Bipe. Rubber sport biplane model.

First published in August 1943 Flying Aces. Reprinted in FAC News, issue 281.

Quote: "Build the Cloudbuster Bipe, by Bill Cahill.

The majority of rubber-powered models built are intended to be flown for sport. Monoplanes of simple construction dominate the field, so it is a rare occasion when a biplane is seen. The trend of full scale aircraft design away from the biplane type has influenced model design and has caused us to forget the slow, stable and realistic flights of the double-decker. This sport model is reminiscent of the tiny single-seat biplane sportsters of a few years back and its Addition to your model fleet will neither soon be regretted nor forgotten.

Fuselage: Start construction by pinning the 1/16 square longerons and vertical members over the side-view plan. The 1/16 sheet balsa wing insert slot border is attached to the frame at this point. It is advisable to construct the two side frames simultaneously, one atop the other to insure duplicates.

Carefully assemble the sides together along the parallel portion of the body with 1/16 square cross pieces, finally drawing the frames together at the rudder post and inserting the remaining cross members.

Formers and stringers, cut from 1/16 sheet and strip stock respectively, are cemented in their proper positions and notches. The areas shown about the nose and top of the body frame are covered with 1/64 sheet balsa. With the addition of the .040 wire landing gear, formed over the given pattern and cemented in the position indicated, the 1/16 rear motor attachment sheets and thin aluminum reinforcements, and an .040 wire tailskid, the fuselage frame is complete.

Wings: Each wing is composed of three parts; two panels and a center section. Both upper and lower wings are of the same dimensions. The right panel plan may be had by tracing the left one shown, with the inked side of the carbon tracing paper up.

Using the patterns, prepare 34 ribs and 8 wingtip pieces from 1/16 sheet balsa. Pin over the plan the 1/16 square bottom spar and set the ribs in position over it. The 1/8 square leading edge, 1/16 by 3/16 trailing edge, 1/16 square top spar, and tip pieces, are now cemented and held in place by pins.

Trim and sand to smooth airfoil shape the edge and tips after the frames have been removed from the plan. 1-3/4 in of dihedral should now be built into the wings by blocking up each tip and cementing the panels, butt-jointed, to the flat center section.

Prepare two .040 wire center section struts of the shape indicated and attach with thread and cement to the upper wing at the point shown..."

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Cloudbuster Bipe (oz13912) by Alfred Cleave 1943 - model pic


Cloudbuster Bipe (oz13912) by Alfred Cleave 1943 - pic 003.jpg

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