Bumbled Bee (oz13883)


Bumbled Bee (oz13883) by Jean Pailet 1978 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Bumbled Bee. Simple rubber sport canard pusher model.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 13/6/2022: Added article, thanks to Pit.

Quote: "An Easy-B canard that consistently has turned in flights of 8 to 9 minutes under 50 to 65-foot ceilings. Bumbled-Bee, by Jean G Pallet.

It was originally intended to christen our little Easy-B canard the 'Bass-ackwards,' but in deference to the tender young eyes which may be reading this text we settled for 'Bumbled-Bee.' In either case, the entire project has been a bumbled, bassackwards comedy of contradictions. But then you ought to expect the collaboration of an RC columnist and a CL Contest Board member to result in an unusual Indoor model!

The author (past CLCB chairman and present CLCB member) developed the design from a concept initiated by George Myers (writer of the monthly Radio Technique column in Model Aviation), The original fun-fly model evolved into a competitive airplane and we are now experimenting with a larger version of the Burn-bled-Bee in the Indoor Paper Stick event (page 15 of the December 1976 issue of MAN has photos of Barry Pailet with the canard he flew in the Paper Stick event at the 1976 Nationals).

While an original goal was to reduce hang-ups on obstructions by moving the prop aft, the resulting reduction in the forward span has enabled the model to penetrate smaller crevices than would otherwise be possible. However, all flight experience to date has indicated that hang-ups really arc fewer, and those which do occur, seldom require anything more than patience for ultimate retrieval. This seems to be because the aft CG (compared to conventional designs), combined with the decreasing forward thrust as the rubber motor winds down (remember, in most hang-ups the prop will remain free to turn), tends to induce the model to back-off and free itself. Stall recovery from bumps and hang-ups also seems to be an improvement over conventional tractor designs.

Contest performance to date has been encouraging. The original Bumbled-Bee, shown in the accompanying photos, weighs in at slightly over 3 grams and has competed effectively in both Easy-B and Pen-ny-Plane events in the Northeast. It has consistently turned in flights of eight and nine minutes under 50- and 65-ft ceilings. Therefore, built lighter to truly competitive Easy-B weights, or adopted to Penny-Plane surface areas. the design seems to have much yet-to-be realized performance potential. Incidentally, the motor length shown on the plans (10 in from prop bearing to rubber hook) conforms to Penny-Plane rules. If you plan to fly your Bumbled-Bee only as an Easy-B it would probably be advantageous to increase the motor length an inch or two. Doing so will give you added motor-winding capacity, as well as helping to keep the CG forward, where we want it.

Which brings us to a few brief words on CG location, before getting into the construction comments. Even if you have to add a bit of ballast (note the small lump of clay shown at the nose of the prototype Bumbled-Bee in the accompanying close-up pictures), keep the CG at, or forward of, the location shown on the plans! Building the forward canard surface stronger and heavier than might otherwise seem normal, serves the dual purpose of getting both weight and strength at the nose where they are most needed for proper balance and to absorb all the bumping abuse_ To aid in proper CG location, the motorstick dimensions shown in the drawing have been slightly modified from those of the original model shown in the pictures. These changes were incorporated in the enlarged Paper Stick model and proved quite effective in positioning the CO at the proper location.

Construction of the Bumbled-Bee is simple and conventional. All basic materials (wood. fittings, condenser-paper covering) were obtained from Micro-X Products, PO Box 1063, Lorain, Ohio 44055. It is especially important to use a double-support prop bearing and to mount it on a small wedge between it and the motorstick to assure proper down-thrust (see plans). The double-support bearing also provides a means for adjusting side-thrust to help attain the desired flight circle.

All wing and canard ribs arc cut from .030 C-grain stock, and the leading and trailing edge spars for both surfaces are cut, tapered as shown..."

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Bumbled Bee (oz13883) by Jean Pailet 1978 - model pic

  • (oz13883)
    Bumbled Bee
    by Jean Pailet
    from Model Aviation
    February 1978 
    17in span
    Rubber F/F Pusher
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 05/06/2022
    Filesize: 110KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: theshadow
    Downloads: 493

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