Douglas C-124 Globemaster (oz13803)
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Douglas C-124 Globemaster. Scale model for control line. Wingspan 82 in, for (4x) .19 to .29 engines.
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Quote: "Again a plan from Uncle Willies. I don't know its origin. Span 82 in, for 4x .19 engines. Best regards, Patrick"
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User comments
It looks like Uncle Willie was at it again: the plan in question was published by the AMA see: - 04/05/2022
No, I don't think it was published by the AMA. They do currently sell it at a price of $29 but I'm not sure that proves anything. Because they sell hundreds of old plans that are patently not theirs, inc for example many RCM plans, also plans from Berkeley, Sterling, Keil Kraft, Megow, Lou Andrews, Ideal, Guillow, Whitman, Comet, Hi-Flier, Joe Ott, Air Trails, FMT, MAN, Aeromodeller and Flying Models. Just for example. I assume this is because they have included the whole John Pond collection in the AMA index. Anyway. Back to the point. The thumbnails of this plan on the AMA site are branded TMHK (Tokyo, Japan). Would be interested to hear if anyone else knows more about this company and their kits. I think this is a kit plan, not a magazine plan. Would like to have a date for this listing too. I'm guessing late 1950s?
SteveWMD - 04/05/2022
This company made a lot of cl scale models in the 60s, single and multiengined. Very often confused with Japanese company Eureka that made cl scale too. Company name on their kit boxes says "T.M.H.K Tokyo Mokei Models inc. Tokyo-Japan.
In the past I saved all the plans listed and low res plans images (bikini girls too) from deceased UW site. This is not in his list, and generally his plans are very cleaned and redrawed.
Pit - 04/05/2022
Surfing on internet rcuniverse found a pic posted by Jimmy Bananas of Globemaster kit he converted to RC [main pic, 003], a common desire for these multiengined Japanese CL kits. See:
Pit - 05/05/2022
Just my 2 cents worth, this kit box looks like the P-61 kit I have. My aged memory tells me that this was a line of Japanese kits sold under MANY names over the years, including Kyosho, International, maybe Aristo, and through Polks, among others. Nice apparently bandsawn ply and balsa formers, decent spun aluminum cowlings, that sort of thing. Even sprung landing gear. Single and multi engine CL scale, even a couple jets for Tiger and Dyna-jet pulse jet eardrum busters. The one I'd REALLY like to see is their B-36, for 6 .19-.29, and 4 Jetex 150s. Oh, if anybody remembers the full size C-124, they sounded like a herd of elephants when taxying.
50+AirYears - 07/05/2022
Off-topic but well worth it: There's a story about a C-124 and an F-4 on intersecting taxiways at Rhein-Main long ago. The F-4 driver asked Ground what the Globemaster's intentions were. It is said that the C-124 pilot opened the clamshell doors in the nose and announced, "I'm going to eat you."
Miguel - 07/05/2022
This looks a lot like a Royal kit, popular in the 70's and 80's. They were repackaged Japanese kits with English instructions, sold by Royal Products in the USA, had a reputation for being a bit heavy. Most were never finished. They featured a lot of balsa blocks which had to be carved and sanded to shape. It was said that a Royal kit consisted of a balsa log and a set of plans. If you bought the deluxe kit, bark was removed from the log.
Doug Smith - 08/05/2022
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- Douglas C-124 Globemaster (oz13803)
- Plan File Filesize: 681KB Filename: Douglas_C124_Globemaster_oz13803.pdf
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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.
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