Auster AOP.9 (oz13594)
About this Plan
Auster AOP.9. Profile scale rubber model.
Quote: "A near-scale rubber-powered profile model for beginners. Auster AOP9, by Ray Malmstrom.
Flying scale models fascinate us all, especially the beginner, but to build and fly a scale-job calls for a skill and knowledge that the beginner does not possess. No beginner in the noble craft of aeromodelling, however, need fear to start on this little job. Simple to build, and a good steady flier, it will also satisfy that desire for a model that looks like the real thing. No prop to carve, downthrust built-in, and wing easily adjustable if need be. If you've got that building board handy we'll start.
Fuselage: Trace the fuselage shape on to sheet (preferably 4 in. wide stock), and cut out. Cement a 20 SWG brass bush into the nose slot; add the two nose pieces and sand all edges. Bend the undercart from 20 SWG and cement into position; further strengthen with pieces of tape. Cement the wing supports into the slots at the top of the cabin and complete by adding 1/16 sheet wing mounts and 1/16 dia pegs.
Mount a Keilkraft 7-1/4 in plastic prop on a 20 SWG shaft and assemble through the brass nose bush. Check that prop and shaft revolve freely. Add the combined rear rubber anchorage and tail wheel, cementing into notch at rear of fuselage; strengthen with small pieces of tape.
Use celluloid or balsa wheels on the main u/c legs, and retain with small lengths of plastic tubing. Add scrap balsa tailwheel, and finally cement tailplane and fin in position. Brown and green dope can be used for the scheme. Give only one coat in order to keep model as light as possible.
Wings: Build the wing in two halves, join by the centre ribs and raise both tips 2 in. Check for freedom from warps. Cover with lightweight Modelspan; original model had camouflage on wings painted on with poster colours, after water-shrinking. Wings are then finished with one coat of clear dope and commercial transfers. Roundels for the fuselage are cut from thin notepaper, curved slightly to accommodate rubber motor, and cemented in place.
Flying: Power is 46 in of 3/16 rubber strip. Make up into a loop, thread round rear anchorage and slip both ends on to the prop shaft hook and lubricate well. Model must balance on point shown on plan. Very small quantities of plasticene may be added to nose or tail to obtain correct balance, although the original model balanced without any additional weight.
Test glide over long grass, and obtain a slow shallow glide, then wind the prop about 75 turns. Your Auster should fly off in a fairly wide climbing turn to the left, and then glide gently in to land.
Gradually step up the number of turns. Safe maximum, with lubricated rubber, is 275 turns approx. From smooth ground your Auster will make most realistic take-offs. Good luck with this little job."
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Quote: "Hi Steve & Mary, From Model Aircraft September 1955, another little plan for the Ray Malmstrom section of the Outerzone. Cheers,"
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Auster AOP.9
by Ray Malmstrom
from Model Aircraft
September 1955
22in span
Scale Rubber F/F Cabin Military
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 14/01/2022
Filesize: 119KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: KraftyOne
Downloads: 411
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- Auster AOP.9 (oz13594)
- Plan File Filesize: 119KB Filename: Auster_AOP9_oz13594.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 826KB Filename: Auster_AOP9_oz13594_article.pdf
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