Champion (oz13239)


Champion (oz13239) by Ron Warring 1957 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Champion. Free flight sport model. Wingspan 36 in, for 0.5 to 1 cc engines.

As requested on the Wanted page.

Quote: "Hobbies Champion. Flying Ace Kit. Semi scale two-seat lightplane for .5 up to 1 cc engines. Wingspan 36 in. Manufactured by Hobbies Ltd, Dereham, Norfolk."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 16/7/2023: Added Parts & Cutting Layout, thanks to Jeremy Collins.

Quote: "Hi again Steve, As promised in my earlier e-mail, I am attaching a pdf drawing of 'Parts and Cutting Plan Layout' to accompany Outerzone Plan oz13239. At the time oz13239 'Champion' was added to Outerzone, only Sheet 1 of 2 sheets from the kit design was available. Sheet 2 would have shown the various component parts. I have drawn up the individual parts and a cutting plan layout, so perhaps this could be appended to help future builders? I am in the process of building this version and would hope to let you have a photo in due course. Kind regards, Jeremy"

Quote: "In the absence of Sheet 2 of the original kit plans and instructions this drawing has been developed by making a CAD tracing of Sheet 1 (Outerzone Plan oz13239) and drawing the individual parts. As the only clues to the wing and tailplane aerofoil sections used are those shown on the fuselage side view, these were used as a basis from which individual rib outlines were developed, making allowance for the angled ribs. A wing and tailplane were then built, with any inconsistences discovered then being corrected in the drawings.

On a practical note, a small change has been made to the original design to introduce Part F13A between the wing seat and the front wing retaining dowel to provide additional support for this dowel. Additionally, particularly if R/C is to be fitted, it would be recommended that an additional 1/16" (1.5mm) dihedral brace is added at the spar position although none is shown on the original drawing. Wing and tailplane ribs are drawn with a 2mm allownce at both leading and trailing edge to allow trimming to exact fit.

No details are available of the instrument panel layout or of the compass mount shown on the drawing as attached to the rear of F4."

Update 28/8/2024: Added sheet 2, thanks to Charlie Jeffreys. This (it turns out) does not show any of the ribs or formers, just motor installation and some cabin interior details.

Quote: "Hi, I see various comments asking about sheet 2 for the Hobbies’ Champion. Here it is, it shows cabin interior, hinged door, alternative engine installations etc. It was provided to me by Keith Harris many years ago with (at the time) permission for reproduction from designer Ron Warring, reportedly in 1982. Best regards, Charlie"

Supplementary file notes

Sheet 2.


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Champion (oz13239) by Ron Warring 1957 - model pic

  • (oz13239)
    by Ron Warring
    from Hobbies UK
    36in span
    IC F/F Cabin Kit
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 12/08/2021
    Filesize: 1103KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: DerickScott, JeremyCollins
    Downloads: 836

Champion (oz13239) by Ron Warring 1957 - pic 003.jpg

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User comments

Very nice. Has anyone got Sheet 2?
RMG - 15/08/2021
As it is a kit plan there may well not be a sheet 2 (I'm assuming you are expecting a parts drawing sheet). All the 'plan' build drawings are here along with some detail instructions. The angled ribs are the biggest challenge but even that is surmountable.
M Hodgson - 15/08/2021
Currently, this is all we have. No copy (as yet) of the printwood, the formers. Looking at this plan sheet, I would have guessed that was it. I mean, in the original kit the printwood plus this sheet would seem to be all you need? But you are right, it does say sheet 1 in the bottom right hand corner. Maybe sheet 2 was text instructions? Anyone out there can shed some light on this?
SteveWMD - 15/08/2021
Lovely to see here, but with respect it is a free-flight model. Would carry modern radio easily though of course.
Charles - 15/08/2021
Doh, my mistake. Free flight, yes. Fixed tags now. Many thanks.
SteveWMD - 15/08/2021
The note just below the nose section of the fuselage top view has a reference to Sheet 2 in "See sheet 2 for details of bearer spacing etc. for different engines"
Gerry de Groot - 16/08/2021
Yes. Also, now I see sketch # 15 in the assembly sequence says: See sheet 2 for cabin interior detail.
SteveWMD - 16/08/2021
I have a untouched kit some-where in the loft.
Richard Dalby - 18/08/2021
Well Richard? (Don't keep us in suspense - we'd like to know things like: what's the wing section, does your kit have a Sheet 2, etc, etc?)
Gerry de Groot - 26/08/2021
Now we finally have a copy of the elusive sheet 2 (see update), we can see that the ribs and formers are not on there. I guess as a kit, all of the parts were supplied in the box, of course.
SteveWMD - 28/08/2024
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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