AV 6 (oz13203)


AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

AV 6. Free flight glider model. Wingspan 900 mm.

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AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - model pic

  • (oz13203)
    AV 6
    by Guy Borgé
    from MRA
    May 1945 
    35in span
    Glider F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
  • Submitted: 21/07/2021
    Filesize: 373KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: OlivierAubard
    Downloads: 876

AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 003.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 004.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 005.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 006.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 007.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 008.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 009.jpg
AV 6 (oz13203) by Guy Borgé 1945 - pic 010.jpg

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User comments

See https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Borg%C3%A9
Very interesting person. Probably A.V. stand for Aile Volante.
Pit - 30/07/2021
Interesting indeed. I'm puzzled about those "volets de réglage" (trimming spoilers, it seems) on the wingtips. By the way, 10/10 are tenths of 1mm, so 10/10 means 1mm, 20/10 is 2mm, etc. I loved the "Borgé 3" wing section, this must have been plotted following the classic boot outline method - you step on your plywood sheet and follow your boot contour with a pencil, I read this long ago in EAA magazine and it appeared to work!
Miguel - 30/07/2021
What a find! Thank you Outerzone for all these classic old-timers the ooze character.
John Green - 30/07/2021
Hello, the "boot profile" seems to be actually a studied freestanding profile, with double concavity of the midline and constant pitch moment coefficient, widely used in some old flying wings, I think it is worth trying those spoilers !!!
Claudio Acosta - 30/07/2021
Seems to be the same airfoil he later used in the AV-10 (oz 4423). Looks neat, with a very smooth reflex incorporated into it. I wonder if AV's 1 thru 5 and 7 to 9 were ever finalized and published.
RC Yeager - 30/07/2021
I'm not belittling the designer's abilities, the Boot Airfoil Design Method was and is well recognised, think Roncz or Wortmann! The following is Martin Heppele's take on 'flying wings' even if coming much later than this AV 6 plan: http://www.mh-aerotools.de/airfoils/nf_1.htm
Considering all this, looking at the flat extent on the lower surface of his rib shape makes me believe that:
- either M. Borgé´s shoe had a flat side,
- or he made a concession to ease of building,
- or both,
- or none of above :-)
Miguel - 01/08/2021
You can actually find coordinates for the Borge 3 on-line. Furthermore, either they come with Profili or I put them in at some point. I tried a type 2 polar, with a turbulator at 30 percent. Profili uses Xfoil for this, so the results should be reasonable. The type 2 polar just means that the Reynolds number is adjusted to match that of a model in stable flight. I picked 75k for a Cl of 1, which ought to match the model pretty well, though you probably wouldn't see a Cl that high. At an angle of attack of 7 degrees, I got an L/D of about 39, and a pitching moment of around +.005, which probably isn't quite enough. At lower Cl's, the moment can get as low as -0.01, so there will probably need to be trim tabs or something. Maybe that's what those spoiler things do? In any case, this should all be taken with a grain of salt, because the model isn't sheeted and has covering sag. Still, it seems to me the design is probably in the ballpark.
It seems to me that the airfoil on the AV-10 has a bit more reflex, even though that model, having a tapered wing, might be helped with a bit of washout. The AV-10 has sheeting on the forward part, too. If I read the drawing right, the sheeting is NOT flush with the ribs, so there's a 1/64" drop at the end, perhaps acting as a turbulator.
Lincoln - 29/12/2021
Hi, I got my hands on the plan for the av 6. Before starting to build it; I have a few questions after carefully studying the plan. The construction is supposed to be of hardwood. Period of the 40s obliges... So I have several questions. can we build it in balsa...in,samba...in samba and balsa. Which pieces should or can use each of the woods?
If all balsa, double the thickness? Keep the same thicknesses? For samba? The mixing of the two woods? Knowing that the wings have a large width, flying wing obliges ;-)
Olivier - 16/05/2022
Cher Olivier, forget the hardwoods, do it all in balsa using the same thicknesses or less. This is a small glider so you need weight as much as a toothache. You can build the boxes in for those spoilers if you see any use for them. Never mind about samba unless you have swift feet and a partner even better than you!
Miguel - 17/05/2022
Balsa is a hardwood.
D A - 17/05/2022
Thank you Miguel, I see... and for interlining... What advice do you give me?
Olivier - 17/05/2022
DA....It all depends on the quality of the balsa... some are very fragile;)
Olivier - 17/05/2022
Whether a wood is classified as a "hardwood" or "softwood" depends on the type of seed. It has nothing to do with density or strength.
D A - 17/05/2022
Hello everybody, Here is my Guy Borgé av6 flying wing [004-008]. Although it is easy to build, the plan gave me some problems. Especially for the wing keys. Being new to me, it took me quite a while to figure out how to install it. I got there anyway. I didn't expect it to be relatively big in the end... Like what a plan ;-)
Olivier Aubard - 27/08/2022
I wasn't expecting to see anyone build this, but being you, it's not such a surprise :) Just be careful with the 'trim tabs' at the wing tips, make them tight but not glued in place!
Please don't forget to take some photos of the maiden flight.
Miguel - 27/08/2022
I found it so anachronistic ;-) But for a real sales flight, I would do it in samba... For the dance ;-) but also to confront it with strong winds. There, excluding ballast, it only does 100 ranges. A bit light...or for a one-way flight, it's perfect ;-)
Olivier - 01/09/2022
Hi there, Here are the photos from the gallery of Guy Borgé's AV 6 once covered, before a more precise development before flying it [main pic, 009, 010]. First I had to split the plan in order to be able to build the two wings. Afterwards, it's quite easy to build if it's not a bit mixed up which doesn't help with clarity. At the same time, given the pagination of MRA ... difficult to do otherwise. I finally finished it ;-) Place to set up the elastic motorization of the CB 24.
Olivier Aubard - 29/09/2022
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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