P-51D Mustang (oz13073)


P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

P-51D Mustang 40. Radio control sport scale model WWII fighter. Wingspan 57 in, wing area 580 sq in. For .40 - .46 2-cycle or .60 -.70 4-cycle engines, with 4/5 channels. Scale is 1/8.

Discontinued kit from Great Planes.

Quote: "The Great Planes P-51D Mustang is a semi-scale (approximately 1/8-scale) model of the full-size North American P-51D. The prototype as pictured on the box cover is not a copy of any one full-size airplane in particular. Rather, we selected several typical trim features from several aircraft, making a good-looking and rather 'generic' trim scheme that typifies the Mustang we all know.

Several full-size P-51D Mustangs are shown on the box side panel to give you an idea of the many trim variations that have been used. If you are interested in sport scale competition, or just want to copy a specific full-size trim scheme, you'll be happy to know that color photos of these and MANY other P-51D Mustangs are available from: Scale Model Research, 2334 Ticonderoga Way, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.

Unlike many other scale models, the Great Planes P-51D Mustang is easy to build and fly, predictable, highly aerobatic, and has no bad habits, making it a great sport-scale airplane - as long as you don't get carried away with paint and additions, making it a lead sled! This model is designed to be a great flying 'sport airplane', one that you feel comfortable with, flight after flight. It is not intended for scale competition, but with a little extra work it should place well in sport scale competitions at the local level.

This is not a beginner's airplane! While the P-51D is easy to build and flies great, we must discourage you from selecting this kit as your first R/C airplane. It is fast, highly maneuverable, and lacks the self-recovery characteristics of a good basic trainer such as the Great Planes PT Series airplanes. On the other hand, if you have already learned the basics of R/C flying and you are able to safely handle an 'aileron trainer such as the Great Planes Trainer Series or Big Stick Series airplanes, the P-51D is an excellent choice.

Please inspect all parts carefully before starting to build. If any parts are missing, broken or defective, or if you have any questions about building or flying this airplane, please call us and we'll be glad to help. If you are calling for replacement parts, please look up the part numbers and the kit identification number (stamped on the end of the carton) and have them ready when calling.

Precautions. 1. You must build the plane according to the plans and instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases the plans and instructions may differ slightly from the photos. In those instances you should assume the plans and written instructions are correct..."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Quote: "Hello Steve and Mary, I just had my Great Planes P-51D Mustang plans scanned specifically to share them here. I used to have this plane with a .56 4-stroke (later a .60 2-stroke) glow engine and retracts and it flew terrific. Great Planes says it is effectively an Ultra-Sport that looks like a Mustang. A really great sport flyer with nice warbird looks, and it was fast too. Keep up the good work! Best regards, Juul"

Update 21/3/2022: Added kit review from RCM&E, July 1997, thanks to RFJ.

Quote: "Kit Review: Maurice Partington builds and flies this US import from Ripmax.

The Contents: As usual with Great Planes kits, there is a full inventory of all the parts, along with a pictorial view of all the die-cut balsa and ply components. A full check beforehand revealed a few missing parts which were quickly identified as the hinges, one part of the front scoop (should be two) and an upper fuselage doubler.

In addition, one elevator side was crushed in the packaging. Whilst this may sound like a serious problem, it was not, as all the components were small and a rummage through my scrap box found plenty of wood to cut the missing parts.

Building by the Book: If you follow the instruction book, you are not going to go wrong, as each item to be constructed is explained in minute detail along with photographs of the stage-by-stage construction of the piece in question. The book starts with the tail feathers. These are built from pre-formed die-cut balsa and are built up over the plan. The elevator halves are joined by a pre-formed wire joiner and then left to set, making sure that the halves are flat and true.

Wings: These are a real joy to build, using typical built-up construction, including top and bottom spars, leading and trailing edges, inter rib webbing and top and bottom cap strips. Each wing half is built over the plan in the normal way. This is one reason why I like building Great Planes kits, indeed much of the construction is carried out over the plan.

Even the less experienced builders should find things fairly straightforward, especially if they follow the instructions and photographs. The option of fitting retracts or a fixed undercarriage is given, as are full instructions for both. I opted for fixed undercarriage as our field, in the summer, is a 100 ft x 100 ft mown strip, surrounded by growing grass which reaches 2ft high before being cut. So, should you over-shoot or fall short of the strip, you can easily rip out retracts.

Fuselage: This is a straightforward box section. The two sides are fitted with their respective doublers at the wing area and front bulkhead area. The front bulkhead has a 1/2 in laminated ply block fitted to take the engine mount. The block is offset by 5/32 in from the centreline to accommodate the side thrust of the engine, which is built-in, thereby ensuring that the prop. shaft comes out on the centreline at the front of the cowl..."

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P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - model pic

  • (oz13073)
    P-51D Mustang
    from Great Planes
    57in span
    Scale IC R/C LowWing Military Fighter Kit
    clean :)
    formers unchecked
  • Submitted: 24/05/2021
    Filesize: 1579KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: Julian
    Downloads: 3102

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    ScaleType: This (oz13073) is a scale plan. Where possible we link scale plans to Wikipedia, using a text string called ScaleType.

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    Corrections? Use the correction form to tell us the new/better ScaleType link we should be using. Thanks.

P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 003.jpg
P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 004.jpg
P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 005.jpg
P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 006.jpg
P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 007.jpg
P-51D Mustang (oz13073) 1997 - pic 008.jpg

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  • P-51D Mustang (oz13073)
  • Plan File Filesize: 1579KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_40_oz13073.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 3757KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_40_oz13073_manual.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 2853KB Filename: P-51D_Mustang_40_oz13073_review_RCME.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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