Mosquito IV (oz1298)


Mosquito IV (oz1298) by Dennis O Norman 1966 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

DH Mosquito IV. Rubber powered scale twin model. A complex pulley system is used to drive the 2 outboard props from a single fuselage-mounted rubber motor.

From Dec 66 Model Airplane News.

Quote: "If you're tired of the conventional wind-up-and-go, this unique twin-engined rubber-powered scale version of the famous World War II bomber is your plane. It sure is different. Mosquito IV Series I, by Dennis Norman.

One of the immortals of World War II, the de Havilland Mosquito revolu-tionized bomber concepts of its day. Built almost entirely of wood and carrying no defensive armament, its speed was equal to or faster than that of contemporary fighters. Indeed, the speed and maneuverability of the bomber prototype was so remarkable that a fighter version was also built.

This model is based upon the first bomber variant flown in 1941. Built rugged but light this plane flies fast and low. Flights in calm or slightly breezy conditions average 40 yards or better with the model seldom rising higher than ten feet. She's no endurance champ and loops are out of the question, but properly trimmed this model flies well enough to make you proud to own her. Study the plans and construction notes carefully before you begin building.

Building: Start by building the motor and nacelle spools. Cut four 3/4 inch diameter and four 3/8 inch diameter circles from soft 1/8 sheet balsa. Cut three 1-1/8 inch diameter and four 3/4-inch diameter circles from 1/16 sheet. From 1/32 inch piano wire, cut one piece 2-1/4 inch, two piece 4 inches, and three pieces 1-3/4-inches long. At one end of each of these pieces of wire bend a right angle hook inch across and 1/16 inch back. Pierce the centers of all the balsa circles with a common straight pin and begin spool assembly.

Using a piece of 1/32 inch wire as a guide, assemble the motor spool by sliding one 1-1/8 inch circle (1/16 sheeet) and two inch circles (1/8 sheet) onto the wire. Glue these three circles together while on the wire. It is critical that the spool be properly aligned so be sure all the circles are at right angles to the wire and that the 'spool' does not wobble when rotated.

When these first three circles have been properly aligned and cemented slide but don't glue another 1-1/8 inch circle in place followed by two more 3/4 inch circles (1/8 sheet) and another 1-1/8 inch circle. Align and glue the last four circles together. You should now have two pieces consisting of three and four circles respectively.

Slip one half of the motor spool onto the 2-1/4 inch piece of wire carefully sinking its hook into the side that will face the other half of the motor spool - make sure that the wire hook doesn't stick up because it will make joining and properly aligning the two halves of the motor spool very difficult. Repeat with the other half of the motor spool using one of the 1-3/8 inch pieces of wire.

You now should have two sandwich-like pieces of balsa, each with a piece of wire passing at right angles through its center. Complete the assembly of the motor spool by cementing the two halves together. Twirl constantly to be sure that the wire shafts are properly aligned - when they are, neither one will wobble when the spool is rotated. Set the motor spool aside to dry.

The nacelle spools are made in the same manner as the motor spool but are more simple. Carefully align and cement each of the four 3/4-inch circles (1/8 sheet) to each of the 3/4-inch circles (1/16 sheet)..."

Update 10/12/2013: Re-sized this plan to the correct 24in wingspan, thanks to Nameless.

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Mosquito IV (oz1298) by Dennis O Norman 1966 - model pic


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Mosquito IV (oz1298) by Dennis O Norman 1966 - pic 003.jpg
Mosquito IV (oz1298) by Dennis O Norman 1966 - pic 004.jpg

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