Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625)


Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625) by Giuseppe Ghisleri 2014 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fletcher FD-25. Radio control scale model. Wingspan 240 cm, for 60 cc engines.

Note there is a short video of the prototype model online at https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=874414742612333 have used a screengrab as the main model pic on this page.

Update 8/12/2023: Added article, thanks to Cesare.

Quote (google-translated from the Italian): "Towing Model. Fletcher FD-25, by Giuseppe Ghisleri.

Designed in the early 1950s in the United States as a small, versatile and robust anti-insurgency aircraft, the Fletcher unfortunately did not find favor with government bodies and was soon abandoned to oblivion, from which Beppe Ghisleri fished it out, to offer him a new opportunity as a glider tow. The uprisings can wait a little longer.

Have you ever felt suddenly infatuated when you saw a photo of an airplane and felt the urgent desire to reproduce it as a radio-controlled model? It happens to me with a certain frequency and I would have to live, consciously, for another 50 years at least to be able to model all the planes I am passionate about. Fortunately, infatuations pass rather quickly, especially when you begin to consider the modeling pros and cons of the chosen one: the difficulties of centering, the wing loading, the structure, the possibilities of use and so on. Some subjects, however, pass the first exam and then I begin to look for documentation and evaluate more carefully how to create a model that is acceptable in appearance compared to the original and that is constructively simple and rational.

The Fletcher, unknown to me until I saw the drawing of a free-flying model with a rubber band propulsion in an old magazine, attracted me so much that it pushed me to do research on the web until I found to sign up to a New Zealand forum to find a triptych of acceptable dimensions that could be reworked and transformed in such a way as to obtain a 'sensible' tug for 60 cc petrol engines.

But why a semi-reproduction hauler? Haven't you always maintained that 'shooting' models must be spartan, functional and nothing else? Aren't you the one who designed the Urùr? Yes, that's me, even with the love one has for an unfortunate son, I must admit that the Urùr was perhaps the lowest point in my career as a model designer, at least so far. For the future - I make no promises!

The wings of the Urùr, although somewhat stubby, had a constant chord and with raised ends, completely similar to those of the Fletcher, which however are more proportionate, and proved to be completely suitable for carrying out the task assigned to them: allowing good lift and, at the same time, low resistance and also to allow, with the help of abundant flaps, a low landing speed. The transplantation onto a fuselage of the Elfofly towing vehicle, together with the cross-shaped tailplanes, allowed them to fly through the air for a long period of time.

Having towed for a long time with TopModel's Pilatus, I am convinced that even a semi-reproduction, if appropriately chosen, can allow you to have a model with the same characteristics of robustness and practicality that (must I mention the name?) has Patchwork. Semi-reproduction, however, has the advantage of satisfying the towing pilot more and consequently making the difficult job more pleasant..."

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Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625) by Giuseppe Ghisleri 2014 - model pic


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Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625) by Giuseppe Ghisleri 2014 - pic 003.jpg
Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625) by Giuseppe Ghisleri 2014 - pic 004.jpg
Fletcher FD-25 (oz12625) by Giuseppe Ghisleri 2014 - pic 005.jpg

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User comments

Hi Mary, I have some pictures to add to Fletcher file that is somewhat son of a lesser god, so to say [main pic, 003,004]. Ciao
Giuseppe Ghisleri - 22/11/2022
How true. It appears all beauty in North America was expended in the Grumman Tigercat. Not much left for the rest.
Miguel - 22/11/2022
I'm also attaching another photo for the Fletcher [pic 005].
Giuseppe Ghisleri - 29/12/2022
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