Nakajima B5N1 Kate (oz1227)


Nakajima B5N1 Kate (oz1227) by MF Hawkins 1962 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Nakajima B5N1 Kate. Scale gas model for either FF or CL. Model Aircraft, October 1962. Scale is 1/16.

Quote: "This 3/4in to 1ft scale model can be built in four versions - free-flight sport, free flight scale, control line semi-stunt and control line super-scale. Just take your pick - all versions detailed on one plan.

Three years ago I built a C/L stunt version of Kate to go with my Zero and Nakajima B6N2 Jill (already in the MA plans range. With an A.M.2.5, it flew baps, bunts, eights and inverted, but was too heavy for square manoeuvres. A friend ruggested that it would make a good F/F model so this year I built a sports version in twelve evenings and fitted it with a DC Merlin. Much to my surprise and delight it flew well, at a weight of 14 oz.

Encouraged by this success I then built an all sheet covered, highly detailed F/F version for the Nationals. This weighed 18 oz and was rather tricky to trim, but it did fly - into the only ditch within miles - and the fuselage, stuck with PVA (which is not waterproof) came apart!

As a point of interest, the outer wing panels of the sports version, having . .
1/32 sheet back to the spar and silk covering, weighed 2 oz, whilst the all 1/16 sheet panels for the scale model weighed 2-1/2 oz. Much less difference than I had expected.

The plan enables any of four versions to be built: F/F sport; F/F scale; C/L semi-stunt; C/L scale. So now you must decide which version to build, then spend some time studying the plan, so that you know exactly which type of construction you will be using-throughout. Follow the building order - it makes things much easier..."

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Article pages, text and pics, thanks to MikeJones.


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Nakajima B5N1 Kate (oz1227) by MF Hawkins 1962 - model pic


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Nakajima B5N1 Kate (oz1227) by MF Hawkins 1962 - pic 003.jpg
Nakajima B5N1 Kate (oz1227) by MF Hawkins 1962 - pic 004.jpg

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