Eee-Z-Fli (oz12170)


Eee-Z-Fli (oz12170) by Al Wheeler 1989 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Eee-Z-Fli. Radio control sport trainer, for .20 - .25 engines. Can be built as either a low-wing or high-wing model.

Note this is low resolution plan.

Note this Oz entry is really just about the article, the text and the pics (which cover the first of the EEE-Z-FLI designs that appeared in MB). The plan itself is very low resolution, not good, and has a large central band missing from the scan. If anyone can submit a clearer scan of this plan, that would be great.

Quote: "Here's a simple, basic airplane designed to handle windy conditions and also to be tough enough to stand up to a beginner's abuse. A bonus feature is that it can be built as a high or low wing, trike gear or taildragger - take your pick.

Those of you who have visited and flown with uson the Hawaiian island of Maui are aware that our widely touted 'gentle trade winds' frequently become quite energetic, particularly during the summer months. Flying during these periods leaves the enthusiast with few choices; get up with the proverbial chickens and fly from 6 am till about 9 am when the winds pick up, fly a pattern type aircraft with good penetration, or pack it in and go home. Unfortunately, many modelers (and some well known editor/publishers) are not early risers, not all of us are into pattern aircraft, and those going home are often faced with mundane tasks like mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, or worse.

Seriously, the least fortunate are the students, as most of the 'leading trainers' just plain blow away before they even get off the ground. The obvious answer is an airplane capable of handling the windy conditions in the hands of a student, one that is tough enough to withstand the inevitable knocks of training under adverse condi-tions and, most important, an airplane that introduces the newcomer to R/C flying as an affordable pleasure rather than an expensive task. Other considerations for those who like to build is ease of construction without a need for exotic materials and a basic structure that, should it be damaged, is easily repairable.

In addition to the foregoing, basic design goals are quite simple:

1. A landing gear that is 'student strong' and properly triangulated to prevent easy tip over when operating in strong winds and one that provides straight tracking and easy rotation.
2. A combination of airfoil and wing loading that provides stability, good penetration and minimized gust effect on approach and landing.
3. A control system adaptable to both the student's slower response requirements and the more advanced flier's aerobatic taste.
4. The completed model has to look more like an airplane than a 2x4 with a wing attached.

Although not initial design criteria, follow-on considerations have produced easy conversion from tri-gear to taildragger configuration and from high wing to low wing, using all the same basic components, and one set of drawings and building instructions.

The design and test phases have now reached the point where, with over ten aircraft in all variations flown extensively, we find that all initial design and performance criteria have been met, or exceeded. Perhaps the time has come to tell all windy weather fliers about EEE-Z-FLI, the Maui Wind Machine.

PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS: A review of the drawings will indicate that you have several choices; the basic high wing tri-gear version, a high wing taildragger, or either landing gear configuration in the low wing version. The basic high wing tri-gear is recommended for the beginning student, while the low wing serves as an excellent step up to an aerobatic trainer and Sunday fun-fly aircraft.


1. It is recommended that all parts be cut out prior to the start of construction, more like a kit.
2. Any installation item peculiar to the low wing version is noted in italics.
3. It is important that this wing be built flat, as this type of construction is rigid and resists corrective warping.

CONSTRUCTION: FUSELAGE: Select two matched sheets of 1/8 medium hard balsa. Cut FS-1 and FS-2 pieces from each sheet and edge join on a flat surface. For the low wing join FS-3 as shown. Cement FD-1 and FD-2 to the sides starting with FD-2. Position FD-2 1/8 inch behind the front of fuselage side; this pro-vides a slot for the firewall. Install FD-1 1/8 inch behind FD-2, this provides a slot for B-1.

For low wing version invert FD per drawing to provide clearance for the wing trailing edge. Install vertical 1/8x1/2 pieces in aft fuselage. Mark and cut pushrod openings in aft fuselage. For low wing now cut out wing saddle on both sides..."

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Eee-Z-Fli (oz12170) by Al Wheeler 1989 - model pic

  • (oz12170)
    by Al Wheeler
    from Model Builder (ref:9891)
    September 1989 
    48in span
    IC R/C Cabin
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 02/05/2020
    Filesize: 448KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: Pilgrim
    Downloads: 813

Eee-Z-Fli (oz12170) by Al Wheeler 1989 - pic 003.jpg
Eee-Z-Fli (oz12170) by Al Wheeler 1989 - pic 004.jpg

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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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