Ryan M-1 (oz11733)


Ryan M-1 (oz11733) by Al Lidberg 1979 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Ryan M-1. Peanut scale rubber model.

Quote: "Peanut scale. A real cutie, complete with 'engine turned' cowling and wheel hubs. Ryan M-1 by AA Lidberg.

First flown in February 1926, the Ryan M-1 was an odd mixture of old and new design concepts. The wing was mounted on the upper longerons yet the M-1 used open cockpits - in fact, Ryan had this configuration patented because it was so unusual. The M-1 was widely used in airmail service although there was room in the front cockpit for a passenger if one wanted to go along. Looking at the overall design and details of the M-1 reveals some of the traits that, soon after, were incorporated in Lindbergh's plane, the Ryan NYP. Numerous engines were available as standard equipment on the M-1 : the 150-hp Wright-Hispano, OX-5, 120-hp Super Rhone (Le Rhone rotary converted to radial), 180-hp surplus Hisso, and the 200-hp Wright 1-4 Whirlwind radial. The subject selected for this model is a Hisso-powered example, which was on display in the San Diego AeroSpace Museum.

Scale references for the M-1 are as fol-lows: 3-view and article, MAN, May 1965; photos and background data, Ryan, the Aviator, by William Wagner, McGraw-Hill Book Co; photos and a concise description in 'The Ryan Ms,' by Pete Bowers, The AOPA Pilot, August 1971; 3-views and details of the Hisso, MAN's The Best of Wylam, Book I; and photos of the San Diego M-1.

Some deviations from scale were made to help produce a good flying model: the stab and rudder were both enlarged and the landing gear was lengthened 1/4 in to clear a larger prop. Wing ribs, as shown on the plan, are in scale locations, but twice as many would be needed for full scale accuracy.

FUSELAGE: Build two side frames from 1/20 or1/16 square balsa. Note that the cabin struts (or upper longerons if this were a true cabin plane) will be added later and so will not be part of the side frames. When dry, assemble the side frames into a regular box type of body. Add the few formers required around the nose and near the cockpits. Cover the cockpits and around the cowl with bond paper. The paper will have to be split to fit the rear edge of the rear cockpit where it blends with the rectangular body. Add a piece of paper about 3/16 in wide to the body crossmember to serve as the rear upper part of the covering. I used some 'green' (polyurethane) foam as an experiment around the cowl of my M-1 in place of the bond paper. This was to provide a bit more strength in those areas where the model is handled during winding. The foam was cemented in place between the formers and is easily shaped with sand-paper. The resulting cowl holds its shape very well.

Bend the landing gear pieces from .010 wire and epoxy in place. Wrap thread around the joint where the main wires and the rear brace meet, and apply some 5-minute epoxy. The gear fairings can now be made of file card stock and attached to the wires by epoxy. Make up the noseblock as shown..."

Quote: "Hi Steve & Mary, A neat little Al Lidberg Peanut Scale Ryan M-1 that I found in an old Model Airplane News magazine. Cheers,"

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Ryan M-1 (oz11733) by Al Lidberg 1979 - model pic

  • (oz11733)
    Ryan M-1
    by Al Lidberg
    from Model Airplane News
    June 1979 
    13in span
    Scale F/F Parasol Civil
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 19/11/2019
    Filesize: 888KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: KraftyOne
    Downloads: 683

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Ryan M-1 (oz11733) by Al Lidberg 1979 - pic 003.jpg

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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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