Avro 504N (oz11218)


Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Avro 504N. Scale model for radio control with 2/3 channels and engines from .23 to .36 cu in.

Quote: "Produced during the 1914-18 Great War for the RFC initially as a Scout-Fighter, this immortal 2-Seat Biplane earned a niche in the annals of Service and Civil Flying as one of the best loved Training and Sport flyers ever, culminating in this, the last and most famous form - the 'N', powered by the Armstrong-Siddeley 'Lynx' of 180 HP.

Such is the design and stability of the prototype that this model has a faithful scale outline without any engrossment of tail surfaces and has proved to be completely stable and controllable with just rudder and elevator with engine speed on 3 Channel radio control. For powering with Diesel or Glow-motors of .23 up to .36 cu in (3.8 to 6.0 cc), the prototype model flew well on a 29 proving to be completely versatile. The all up weight proved to be 5 lb 8 oz (2.495 kg), including ballast (less fuel) and 3 Channel Radio with 225 Deac, (894 sq in (57.65 dm2) of wing area - 14 oz per sq ft loading.

Both wings on the model are fully cantilever and the box form of the wire braced centre section structure is amazingly rigid, so firmly securing the top wings with rubber bands greatly reduces any impact damage.

Simple modelling tools are needed. Bead-headed modelling pins; White PVA woodworking adhesive; Epoxy Glue; Polystyrene Glue; Banana Oil (non-shrink cellulose); Clear Shrinking Dope and Colour Dopes or Enamels (Silver and Black) sprayed or brushed on; Also Matt Hot-fuel proofer. Modelling pliers, round-nose pliers, 1/16 (1.5 mm) 3/32 (2.5 mm) and 3/16 (4.8 mm) drills with wheel-brace. Grease-proof paper to cover plan whilst building. Tissue paste for covering; Garnet paper (medium and fine). 5, 15 and 30 amp fuse-wire for binding wire-struts on centre-section and undercarriage. Also use of soldering iron. Carpet thread for binding. Commercial control cable and links may be preferred to the 1/4 sq (6.4 mm) balsa actuator rods provided. Recommended tank is a 4 oz Veron Clunk Tank. Items marked NS in instructions are not supplied.

A good flat building board is essential. The general sequence of assembly is laid out in the following instructions and these, coupled with the numbered diagrams on the plan and photo-sheets will facilitate construction.

Study the plan and these instructions carefully before commencing and so familiarize yourself with the complete sequence of assembly. Note that numbers in brackets after inch dimensions are decimal millimetres. Identify (and mark) all semi-circular formers on 3/32 (2.5) die-cut balsa sheet from layout on Data sheet.

Separate 2 plywood die-cut fuselage laminates. Glue on top longerons of 1/4 x 1/4 (6.4), also lower balsa laminates of 1/4 x 11/2 x 14 (6.4 x 31.7 x 356). Cut, trim and fit vertical laminations of 1/4 x 3 wide (6.4 x 76.2) sheet. Ensure that you do create a pair, left and right, and that slots for hardwood uprights of 1/4 x 1/2 (6.4 x 12.7) are a close fit. Cut out top 1/4 x 1/4 slots - ply laminate acts as a template - also cut out saddle area for lower wing, Fig. 2. Note that edges rearwards of top and bottom slots are cut away as a slot for joining on extensions of 1/4 x 1/4 (6.4) longerons. Build on rear longeron structure with verticals and diagonal braces. Note incidence of tail platform, parallel to upper longerons. See Photo No.1

Cut series of 5 equal lengths 1/4 x 1/4 (6.4) crosspieces to join two fuselage halves. Set in one side, glued, and checked for squareness. When dry, join two fuselage halves together with front bulkhead of 1/4 x 31/2 x 31/2 (6.4 x 88.9 x 88.9). Draw longerons together at rear, gluing and binding with thread. Add remaining crosspieces top and bottom. Photos. No.3 and 5. Check over plan for symmetry and squareness.

3. FRONT BULKHEAD: Fig. 4 and 5
Lay die-cut 1/16 (1.5) ply former over plan and by means of extension lines, mark on position of rectangular balsa former. Register and glue firmly to fuselage front as in Fig. 4. Cut slots through balsa for beams and gussets. See Photo. 4.

Four pre-bent 12 s.w.g. wire struts are sorted - two longer at front, two shorter at rear, each left and right handed. Cut nicks at bottom ends of slotted hardwood beams, epoxy glue wire struts in place and bind with carpet thread. Note binding is located so as to be within cut-outs on die-cut ply fuselage laminates. Coat binding with epoxy glue. Now epoxy into slots in fuselage as in Fig. 4 and Photo Nos. 2, 3 and 5.

5. MOTOR BEAMS: Fig. 12
Laminate firmly with P.V.A. Glue two 3 (76.2) lengths of 1/2 x 3/8 (12.7 x 9.5) hardwood to main 6 (152.4) beams. Push into place through rear of front bulkhead to check their fit. If satisfied, glue very firmly in place, using angled die-cut plywood gussets to set the built-in down thrust - see nose side view and Photos 4 and 6.

6. MOTOR MOUNT: Fig. 12
Check cut-out in 1/4 ply (6.4) mount to suit intended motor. It is suggested that bolt holes be drilled. Glue mount firmly to beams and against ply bulkhead. Photos. No. 4, 6 and 7.

7. TANK LOCATION: (See Sketch on Data Sheet) It is best decided at this point of construction what tank is to be fitted. The prototype model had a 4 oz Veron Rectangular Nylon Clunk Tank and this just fits between the beams aft of the die-cut hole for the neck, resting on a ply platform glued to underside of beams..."

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 14/11/202: Added kit review from RCM&E, August 1978, thanks to RFJ.

Quote: "KIT REVIEW No 116. Veron Avro 504N, by Chris Pinchbeck.

THE Avro 504 series of aircraft originated in 1 1913. Designed by Alliott Verdon Roe, its qualities were immediately apparent, flying at more than 80 mph and setting a new British altitude record of 15,000 feet.

During its career (from the A to N versions), the 504 was used as a day and night fighter, trainer, bomber, reconnaissance and joy-riding plane. First production models were in service for reconnaissance with the RFC and as light bombers with the RNAS (Royal Naval Air Service) when war started in 1914. It achieved a dubious 'first' when one was shot down in action, on August 22nd, 1914.

The C and D variants had the observer's cockpit eliminated to make room for an extra fuel tank, and were used to combat the 'Zeppelin threat'. Apart from certain models within the K series, used for home defence in a night fighter role, all other marks were used for training. In fact, Prince Albert, later to become King George VI, learned to fly in a 504.

The subject of Veron's kit, the 504N, was the last and, perhaps, best loved mark, popularly named the Lynx-Avro after its Armstrong Siddeley Lynx power plant. 160 hp, 180 hp, and 215 hp engines were all used, giving speeds of 100 mp. and service ceiling of 14,600 feet at a loaded weight of 2,240 lbs.

The Kit: Undoubtedly a builder's model, the box is crammed to overflowing (if you try and repack it) with a wide selection of balsawood, both in grade and dimensions. Generally, the sheet is excellent quality medium/soft, strip is medium and spindle moulded LE and TE hard. The only adverse comment about the wood in the review kit is that the die cut rib sheets were very soft. The die cut ply components were of good quality, but required the use of a strong, sharp knife to separate them from the parent sheet. Grooved hardwood strips are supplied as under-carriage supports.

Vacuum-formed ABS mouldings are supplied for the two-part nose cowling and under-wing fuel tanks, with injection moulded polystyrene parts to make up the dummy cylinders of the Armstrong Siddeley Lynx radial engine. 4 inch Veron scale wheels are also supplied.

The rest of the hardware comprises pre-formed wire cabane and under-carriage supports, a selection of wire for interplane struts and tail skid, control horns, push rod ends with Kavan links and various screws and nuts. Heavy weight Modelspan tissue and self adhesive PVC roundels are also supplied.

The rolled plan is unfortunately in two parts and must be joined before construction starts. With pre-slotted LE and TE stock, it is not essential to build the wings precisely over the plan, but if you wish to do this, then it is also necessary to cut out, reposition and rejoin the starboard wingtip detail. A number of useful 'three view' sketches and section drawings are given, together with a separate sheet of construction photographs. The comprehensive instruction booklet ensures correct identification of component parts and makes for straightforward building.

Fuselage: This is basically a simple, open framework box, apart from the forward section, which is built from sheet with plywood doublers. The fuselage contours are obtained by the use of formers and 3/32 x 3/16 stringers.

The four main cabane struts are pre-formed, and have to be epoxied into grooved hardwood blocks which are then set vertically into the front fuselage section. I had to 'modify' the 12 SWG struts slightly to ensure neat and correct positioning. This was simplified by making up the four individual assemblies (pre-formed wire and hardwood block) over the plan. Since the blocks are fitted into pre-cut slots in the fuselage side, the correct height and angle for front and rear uprights is maintained..."

Supplementary file notes

Build photos, 2 pages.


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Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - model pic

  • (oz11218)
    Avro 504N
    from Veron
    56in span
    Scale IC R/C Biplane Kit
    clean :)
    formers unchecked
  • Submitted: 23/05/2019
    Filesize: 1315KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: KLH
    Downloads: 1514

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Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 003.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 004.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 005.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 006.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 007.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 008.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 009.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 010.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 011.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 012.jpg
Avro 504N (oz11218) 1977 - pic 013.jpg

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User comments

I always thought the 504 to be too 'Plain Jenny' for my taste, but now this is Michelle Pfeiffer level!
Miguel Morao - 02/06/2019
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  • Supplement Filesize: 852KB Filename: Avro_504N_56in_oz11218_build_photos.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 1097KB Filename: Avro_504N_56in_oz11218_instructions.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 2953KB Filename: Avro_504N_56in_oz11218_review.pdf
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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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