Petit Pete (oz10978)
About this Plan
Petit Pete. Control line sport model, for OK Cub power.
Quote: "Classic racing lines combined with a Half-A powerplant give you economy, beauty, speed. Petit Pete, by Bernard O Peck.
If there's a Cub in your den, Petit Pete may be just what you've been awaiting. Built around any of the three larger Cubs, she'll do a nice job of flying for you. Our ship mounts an .074 and really gets around with it. Take-off is fast and flat, 'with a genuine 'scoot' in full flight. Control is adequate but not sensitive. Pete's flight characteristics should give you a pleasant surprise.
Features of the design include a removable engine unit, a bellcrank that is more sensitive to up than down, and a lightweight landing gear that will not tear loose. Of course, we've been using this type of fuselage construction for some time and consider it topnotch for Half-A. With Pete's ruggedness a bit of bad flying won't hurt anything but your pride. Weight is five ounces.
Although the different size Cubs use the same mount, they are not interchangeable in this ship. Because the .099 is longer, the mount must be placed a bit farther back. Build and 'fudge' the mount around the engine to give you the profile shown if you use a powerplant that differs from the one shown on plans.
Since the fuselage builds around a 1/16 keel, set this up first. The entire side view is its outline. Cut off the part for the upper nose section. Now form the landing gear. This must be sewed and cemented to the plywood, a safety pin being used to make the holes. Next, cement it to the keel and cement it thoroughly. Blocks A and B, plus former G can be put on, followed by the side sheets which bring the width out to the edges of former G. Blocks A and B must be a full 3/8 thick. We used 1/4 in for the side sheets. Lastly, close in the front-to the cowl opening, add the exhaust outlet block and stabilizer platform, et cetera.
Set up the upper nose section and mount the engine. Cut away former G and the keel at the front so that the fuselage is hollow back to the cockpit. Check this on the plan.
After all engine openings are taped shut, fit the Cub down into position. Cut out the inside for mounting lugs, fuel line, and the like. You don't want a tight fit - the nose piece must mount easily. Temporarily spot glue it in place.
Build the spinner to fit the propeller you intend to use. With it in place, work the whole fuselage down to final shape. Finish with fine sandpaper on a block. A little extra time and effort spent here will pay off in appearance.
After removing the upper nose piece, install the bellcrank mount and the hold-down nut mounts; also the exhaust ducting. Don't spare the cement. Now attach the stabilizer and elevator and finish the control system.
The wing is of solid construction. We made ours of 3/8 x 1-1/2 stock glued together. Cut it to outline shape and taper the bottom toward the tips as shown; keep it flat - no curve from front to rear. Sand the top to airfoil shape, leaving nearly an 1/8 edge all around. Sand the lower face to a constant curve so that the edges meet. Give a coat of finish to harden the surface.
To get the wing in place, you'll need to cut away some fuselage. It must set in solidly at zero incidence, with no twist. Cement it. Cut away the upper nose section until it goes on OK."
Quote: "These are worked up from the 50+AirYears posted raw scans at on RCgroups."
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Petit Pete
by Bernard Peck
from Air Trails
March 1951
16in span
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 22/02/2019
Filesize: 190KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: 50+AirYears, Pilgrim
Downloads: 251
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- Petit Pete (oz10978)
- Plan File Filesize: 190KB Filename: Petit_Pete_CL_oz10978.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 1178KB Filename: Petit_Pete_CL_oz10978_article.pdf
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