Lady Eowyn (oz10863)
About this Plan
Lady Eowyn. Radio control sports aerobatic model, for .19 to .29 power, and 4 channels.
Quote: "A 55 inch span aerobatic sports model for engines up to .25 two strokes (a .21 four stroke has also been used), a four function beauty. Lady Eowyn, by Peter Miller.
Lady Eowyn, lovers of 'Lord of the Rings' will no doubt recognise the name. For those who do not, Lady Eowyn was a very beautiful lady and a pretty good swordswoman. The name was chosen for this model because she is designed to look really pretty and to be acrobatic.
The design was intended to test one or two ideas before designing a particular scale model, it was also intended to have sleek semi-scale appearance based on some of the classic American aircraft of the late thirties to early forties before the era of spam cans'. To make the model interesting to fly, aerobatics were a must. Originally flown with an HP VT 21 the model was very pleasant to fly and mild aerobatics were possible, re-engined with a Super Tigre X25 she really came to life. It must be said here that this model may look like a trainer - it isn't, and less experienced modellers could find themselves in trouble very easily. If the CG is 1/4 of an inch too far back the model will start to roll normally and then after getting inverted it will do about two and a half flicks before it can be stopped, in this condition spins will start extremely easily at low speed and will need full down elevator to stop them.
Fuselage. Construction of the fuselage is quite simple, it is merely two built up sides held together with formers and cross braces and then sub formers, stringers and outer sheeting is added. The landing gear mounting is slightly unusual but works well, do not omit the cross member on F-2 as this prevents the wires from tearing through the former. The side window frames are very effective and result in some of the neatest windows I have seen.
There is adequate space for any radio equipment and access to the tank and radio is good.
Any engine from a good .19 up to .29 can be used, the VT 21 will fly the model but the performance will lack the sparkle of more powerful engines. If the VT 21 is used the duct for the exhaust need not be fitted. The Super Tigre silencer fitted the cowl with addition of a small blister but a Mick Reeves Universal manifold and remote silencer would be better and avoid the need for the bulge.
Wings. Wing Construction is slightly unusual, the trailing edge is the complicated part. Cut out all the sheet parts for the trailing edge and tips. Lay the bottom TE sheet parts down, then lay down the bottom main spar, packing it up with scrap 1/16 sheet. This is followed by the ribs, top spar, aileron spar, and top TE parts, the tips are built at the same time.
The centre section is built over the plan and then the wing panels are joined to it after which all the sheeting and cap stripping can be done.
The ailerons can be built at the same time or later, this is not important. When the ailerons have been built they have to be chamfered for the hinges, the hinge line is found by drawing a line from the top of the aileron at the inboard end to the to the hishest point at the outboard end..."
Lady Eowyn, R/C Model World, June 1985.
Note this is a low resolution plan.
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Article pages, thanks to RFJ.
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Lady Eowyn
by Peter Miller
from RC Model World
June 1985
55in span
IC R/C Cabin
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 26/01/2019
Filesize: 645KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: Circlip, RFJ
Downloads: 1191
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- Supplement Filesize: 2308KB Filename: Lady_Eowyn_55in_oz10863_article.pdf
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