DH-4 (oz107)


DH-4 (oz107) by Walt Musciano 1949 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

DH-4. Control line scale biplane. Scale is 1/12.

Quote: "De Havilland 4 by Walter A Musciano. One of the most famous 'crates' in history makes an exceptional control-line model for C and D motors...

A BRITISH design, the De Havilland 4 was one of the few designs built in the US during World War I. Primarily intended for reconnaissance duty, it wasn't long before the DH4 was bombing by day and night and engaging enemy fighters in combat.

To say it was a rugged ship would be an understatement. Powered by either Rolls-Royce, Hispano-Suiza or the famous Liberty engines, the craft was turned out in great quantity during 1918 and came in a variety of modifications. The first US Air Squadron to fly in sorties over enemy lines used Liberty-powered De Havillands.

Many De Havillands were used on the early mail routes and were standard army equipment as late as 1925. A famous plane? You bet! The Liberty-powered DH was selected for our control-line model because it was used not only by the English and Americans during the war but retained by the US Army and Navy after the war and used for flying the mail. This fact allows a variety of insignia and color to be used.

The fuselage sides are cut from 1/4" medium sheet balsa. Be sure to cut away for the lower wing. Cement the mounts in their proper location. While this is drying, cut the bulkheads, bellcrank mount and horizontal tail surfaces. Bevel the rear of the fuselage as the plan view indicates and cement the sides together with the aftermost bulkhead in place. Attach the stabilizer atop the fuselage and let dry. Now bend the landing gear which is made in three pieces. These pieces are assembled before the landing gear is installed. The joints should be bound with fine soft wire and soldered well. Install the remaining bulkheads and bellcrank support.

If you use electric ingition it is advisable to install it now. Solder all connections well. Attach the control lead-out wires to the bellcrank and bolt the bellcrank to the support. The elevator is now hinged in place and the control rod connected. Install the fuel tank..."

Update 17/02/2016: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, one single sheet, thanks to dfritzke.

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Previous scan version. Includes article pages, text and pic.


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DH-4 (oz107) by Walt Musciano 1949 - model pic


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