1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485)


1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485) by Gordon Light 1933 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

1932 Wakefield Winner. Rubber competition model.

Quote: "1932 Wakefield Winner, designed by Gordon S Light. Winning flight 7m 57s, Sept 10th Atlantic City. Set World Record of 25m 53s in eliminations. Original plan published in Universal Model Airplane News May 1933. Drawn by Bob Jones, SAM UK. Oct 1992."

Scan from DBHL, cleanup by theshadow.

ref DBHL-5364.

Direct submission to Outerzone.

Update 05/07/2021: Added article thanks to GTHunter.

Quote: "For a model to be a good contest performer it must be capable not only of delivering good flights but must deliver them consistently. The contests of recent years have proved that the duration derived from unwinding rubber motors will not suffice. Therefore it is necessary to have a model that under satisfactory conditions will take advantage of every upward current and give a soaring performance.

It was the application of this idea that enabled me to design a type of model which frequently made flights of fourteen minutes. It was a plane of this type that won the Wakefield contest at Atlantic City with a flight of 25 minutes, 53 seconds in the Eliminations, and an excellent flight in the finals when it was clocked at 7 minutes, 57 seconds as it disappeared in the sky high over the airport.

The model is light in weight yet rugged in construction. The total weight is 1.8 ounces and the area 169 square inches. The loading per 100 square inches is 1.06 ounces. The large elevator and rudder aid greatly in insuring stability. The large propeller enables the model to gain sufficient altitude before the power is exhausted. The approximate area of the propeller is 25 square inches or 15 per cent of the wing area. Most models which are light and stable in the glide will soar indefinitely on a warm day if sufficient altitude is gained

It was surprising to me how few contest models had the demountable motor stick. A demountable stick facilitates winding and removes all danger to the fuselage from breaking rubber; it also permits capacity winding. Using a short motor stick the center of gravity is brought forward and the stability is improved.

The method of construction is conventional through out and the model is delightfully simple to build. The plans I have prepared are full-sized and many dimensions are omitted but can be secured by using a rule.

Fuselage: Pin the fuselage longerons, 3/32 square, along the outline of the side of the fuselage, making sure the wood has been soaked in hot water and is pliable. Allow the longerons to dry thoroughly before ambroiding the braces in place. The wood will have to be broken at several places to follow the outline, but ambroid will make the joint strong. As soon as the wood has dried ambroid the vertical braces in position. Complete both sides and make sure they are identical.

The two halves are joined by ambroiding four balsa pieces, 1-13/16 long, in position. That is where the wing is placed on the fuselage. By pinning these pieces in position until dry, the fuselage will hold the correct shape. Make sure the cross section is a perfect rectangle. The remainder of the braces are then glued in position. A bamboo nose ring is shaped to the figure shown on the drawing. This is glued to the four front ends of the longerons. Before gluing the nose ring, trace its outline on the balsa wood nose block which is carved as a nosing.

Next the motor stick is prepared. If channeled wood is not available, solid wood of greater dimensions may he used. When the balsa top is ambroided a good method to follow is gluing a small portion at a time and wrapping a rubber hand about the part to keep it in position, then ambroid about two inches farther and wrap another rubber band about the part. Using this method the entire stick can be glued in a short time. I have found that the motor stick serves best when used with the cap on top. Attach to the stick the rear hook which its bent from heavy wire.

The motor stick is secured in the fuselage by means of two wire clips which are bent from medium wire. One of these clips is ambroided to the bamboo nose ring and the other to the braces at the rear of the fuselage. The balsa nosing is fitted to the stick by cutting a notch and ambroiding. Be sure that the nose block makes a perfect fit with the bamboo ring. At a distance of 1/4 inch above the top of the motor stick, ambroid a punched clothing snap on the nose. This serves as a propeller bearing..."

Supplementary file notes



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1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485) by Gordon Light 1933 - model pic

  • (oz10485)
    1932 Wakefield Winner
    by Gordon Light
    from Model Airplane News
    May 1933 
    37in span
    Rubber F/F
    clean :)
    all formers complete :)
    got article :)
  • Submitted: 19/09/2018
    Filesize: 218KB
    Format: • PDFbitmap
    Credit*: DBHL, theshadow
    Downloads: 840

1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485) by Gordon Light 1933 - pic 003.jpg
1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485) by Gordon Light 1933 - pic 004.jpg
1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485) by Gordon Light 1933 - pic 005.jpg

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  • 1932 Wakefield Winner (oz10485)
  • Plan File Filesize: 218KB Filename: 1932_Wakefield_Winner_DBHL_oz10485.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 210KB Filename: 1932_Wakefield_Winner_DBHL_oz10485_article.pdf
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* Credit field

The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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