Fizz-Wizz (oz1043)


Fizz-Wizz (oz1043) by Aubrey Kochman 1962 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Fizz-Wizz. CO2 design by Aubrey Kochman. 1962 American Modeler.

Note the article also includes notes and a further drawing on installation of Cox Tee Dee .010 engine (by use of a second, alternative, power pod).

Quote: "Fizz-Wizz: clever approach to real 'gas' flight.

With Herkimer Tool & Model Works' CO2 engine again in production here's a plane designed expressly for this novel powerplant.

The challenge of CO2 designing is as rewarding as the flights attainable with this engine. Shallow climbing turns and graceful glides to perfect three-point landings bring back the realism so long missing from free flight. And no noise to bother your neighbors!

The engine maker offers rough limits for a suitable model suggesting wing area he between 115 and 165 square inches - our Fizz-Wizz has 135. Allowable 'bare' model weight of up to 5 ounces (less engine, metal fuel cartridge, cartridge holder, fuel line tubing and propeller) in our opinion is too high. Structurally Fizz-Wizz has more than adequate strength yet weighs in at a low 2-/2 ounces (5 with engine and accessories ready to fly).

Since air temperature plays a part in the power output of this engine hot performance in cold weather is not to be expected. Fizz-Wizz is meant to be a realistic sport model rather than a high performance contest flyer. Test flights indicated, however, that under ideal conditions (3 to 5-mph winds, temperature above 80 degrees) Fizz-Wizz with a little additional trimming should turn in some really respectable durations.

Before starting construction bear in mind the weight and temperature factors. Cold weather operations call for the use of the lightest possible balsa. For those who year-around enjoy warm temperatures some additional weight can be tolerated - although it is not recommended.

If you use light balsa your model should balance as indicated. The cartridge holder location and its angle keep the plane's CG from shifting as the cartridge empties. There is slightly over a 1/4 ounce difference between a full and an empty cylinder.

Build the tail surfaces last as a means of balancing the model. Should the model turn out nose heavy, use a heavier grade of balsa for the rudder or stabilizer or eliminate the cutouts in either or both surfaces. For tail heaviness reverse the procedure - use very light balsa, make the cutouts larger and apply a minimum amount of dope.

Begin fuselage construction by cutting the two side pieces to shape; 4 in wide sheet balsa was used. With some careful planning both sides can be obtained from a single sheet. Cut off the 'power-pod' section and put the pieces aside where they won't be used by mistake for formers. Cut out all formers and check that F1 through F6 are all the same width. F10 and F11 should also be of this same width. F1, F2, F10 and F11 should also be set aside with 'power-pod' sheets.

Assemble fuselage by cementing both sides to F5 and F6. Draw tail together, check that fuselage is true along center line seen from the top. Cement tail together, add remaining formers. Sheet cover top and bottom with grain running lengthwise - moistening underside of top sheet with water between F6 and F7 will make this bend possible. Water moisten outside of side pieces between F3 and F5 and apply a coat of cement to the inside. As cement dries and with a little assistance on your part the side sheets should assume their proper curve..."

Supplementary file notes



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Fizz-Wizz (oz1043) by Aubrey Kochman 1962 - model pic


Fizz-Wizz (oz1043) by Aubrey Kochman 1962 - pic 003.jpg
Fizz-Wizz (oz1043) by Aubrey Kochman 1962 - pic 004.jpg
Fizz-Wizz (oz1043) by Aubrey Kochman 1962 - pic 006.jpg

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This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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