Long Midget (oz10411)
About this Plan
Long Midget Mustang. Control line scale model Goodyear pylon racer.
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Update 24/10/2019: Added article, thanks to RFJ.
Quote: "We Build the Long Midget. Add this Goodyear racer to your collection of U-control flying scale models that fit into the Team Racing event. By S Cal Smith.
IF you don't happen to have $5,000 handy to buy the full scale Long Midget (described on page 30), dig out the balsa and the cement. You can model this sweetheart and fly it to your heart's content.
The Long lovely is a natural control-liner. The clean design lends itself to simple construction and good flight performance. We'd like to pound our private drum for Dave Long, designer of the full scale prototype. In addition to smart engineering - resulting in excellent performance of the prototype - Dave must have kept a soft spot in his heart for the modeler, because his design has really fulfilled our wishes for a good honest model.
The model is scaled at 1-3/4 in to 1 ft, directly from the factory three-views, and if our drawing hand isn't getting too shaky, they are mighty accurate (solid scale fans take note). This odd scale was picked for a number of reasons, an important one being the com-bination of wing area and power that was desired. Also, the spinner size comes within a gnat's whisker of being exactly the size available from Mr Froom. Scale wheels and canopy are also very close to those sizes procurable at your hobby dealer's. Naturally some of the curves and wiggles of these parts don't fit exactly, but outlines are included for those builders who are interested in absolute scale.
The page plan is 1/4 scale; 1/4 in equals 1 in on AT's full size plan and the finished model. Outlines are included for both the present racer version and the projected production version. The changes include: altered engine fairing shape, wider landing gear (mounted in wing), and square tips on all tail sur-faces. The real Long Midget uses NACA 641A212 laminar flow airfoil. We have retained the thickness but used a symmetrical form for stunting.
The 32 in span model weighs in at 22 ounces with an O&R 29 in the nose. Total wing area is 211 sq in, giving the light wing loading necessary for good stunt performance. Speed is between 65 and 70 mph, and if higher speeds are desired, engines up to 40 cu in displacement can be used. But don't carry this too far, because too large an engine in the long nose will move the CG too far forward.
Construction can be started with the fuselage. The bottom portion consists of a hollowed block and the top is built up of formers with 3/32 sheet planking. If available a 3 x 4 x 22 inch block can be carved for the bottom..."
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Long Midget
by S Cal Smith
from Air Trails
September 1949
32in span
Scale IC C/L LowWing Racer Civil
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 29/08/2018
Filesize: 756KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: JJ
Downloads: 839
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- Long Midget (oz10411)
- Plan File Filesize: 756KB Filename: Long_Midget_CL_oz10411.pdf
- Supplement Filesize: 4930KB Filename: Long_Midget_CL_oz10411_article.pdf
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