Ambassador (oz1036)


Ambassador (oz1036) by Alan Hewitt 1951 - plan thumbnail

About this Plan

Ambassador. Control line model. 35in span stunt model for 2.5cc engines designed by A Hewitt.

Quote: "WHEN Alan Hewitt romped away with first place in the SMAE control line eliminators at Radlett on May 13th, his first concern was whether or not the restricted space at Knokke would allow him to fly at his best, using the same winning Blue-Lon 5 cc Yulon powered model. Line-length for the Belgian meeting was liable to be limited to just over 50 ft, so Alan brought out pencil and set-square to design a special 'Ambassador' to represent Gt. Britain.

He based the design on a beam mounted Elfin 2.49 and set 12 oz as his maximum design weight. It was virtually a scaled down version of a job made the previous year for his Yulon, with a long slim fuselage and medium aspect ratio wings. This prototype was soon completed, and weighed only 11 oz, which, as control-line fliers will know, is very light, even for 227 sq in. (Photo shows Alan with the original.)

After many test flights, it was found necessary to re-cover with heavyweight Modelspan to prevent the fuel soakage through the wing surface, bringing the weight up nearer to the planned 12 oz, and it was in this condition that the Ambassador executed its plenipotentiary duties at Knokke with such magnificent results. Not only did it carry off the Concours d'elegance for stunt; but with expert Alan at the handle, it won the stunt flying event as well.

Two points Alan asks of each Ambassador builder are first, to make sure that the speci-fied balsa grades are used; and second, to use flexible lead-out wires to prevent line snagging through vibration. Full instructions are issued with each full-size APS plan..."

Update 23/08/2013: Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, thanks to JJ.

Update 15/06/2016: article pages, text & pics added, thanks to RFJ.

Supplementary file notes

Modern redrawn plan in PDFvector format by hogal.
Article pages, text & pics.

CAD file

This plan is available for download in CAD format.


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Ambassador (oz1036) by Alan Hewitt 1951 - model pic


Ambassador (oz1036) by Alan Hewitt 1951 - pic CAD_redrawn_plan.jpg

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  • Ambassador (oz1036)
  • Plan File Filesize: 447KB Filename: Ambassador_36in_oz1036.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 917KB Filename: Ambassador_36in_oz1036_article.pdf
  • Supplement Filesize: 605KB Filename: Ambassador_36in_oz1036_vector.pdf
  • CAD Zip Filesize: 372KB Filename:
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The Credit field in the Outerzone database is designed to recognise and credit the hard work done in scanning and digitally cleaning these vintage and old timer model aircraft plans to get them into a usable format. Currently, it is also used to credit people simply for uploading the plan to a forum on the internet. Which is not quite the same thing. This will change soon. Probably.


This model plan (like all plans on Outerzone) is supposedly scaled correctly and supposedly will print out nicely at the right size. But that doesn't always happen. If you are about to start building a model plane using this free plan, you are strongly advised to check the scaling very, very carefully before cutting any balsa wood.


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