Glevum Glider (oz10117)
About this Plan
Glevum Glider. Lightweight towline glider model.
Quote: "The Glevum Glider, by RP Roles. A 36 inch span lightweight contest glider from the Glevum (Gloucester) M.A.C.
This glider was designed bearing in mind the idea that if plans were drawn up and circulated among the club members for a small charge, it might he possible to raise sufficient money to purchase a club glider trophy. An excellent job of the drawing was made by draughtsman clubmate FH Ford, and the whole idea was a success. With a small sum added from the club's funds, we now have our first silver trophy, which will be competed for annually on the club's gala clay.
On the occasion of the first contest to be flown for models built to the Glevum plan, my own model flew over 8 min OOS. The design has proved to be very stable both, on and off the line, and apart from being suitable for a beginner's model, it is well capable of 'big model' performance in the hands of an experienced flier.
Fuselage. Begin in the normal manner by building the two sides on the plan from 1/8 in sq. It is to be recommended that the longerons are stripped from 1/8 in sheet, as this will ensure that they have equal bending qualities. Bring the sides together first with formers F3 and F4, and then at the extreme tail, firmly cementing.
After adding top and bottom spacers, commence the nose construction. Cover the top of the nose with 1/32 in sheet, grain running length-ways, trimming to shape after cementing it into position. Cover the underside forward of F4 with 1/32 in sheet, with the grain running across the fuse-lage. Cement and bind the towhooks on to the 1/4in x 1/8 in hard balsa skid before cementing it on to the underside of the fuselage. Construct the fin as part of the fuselage, but do not add platform P1 until the model has been covered.
Wing. Pin down the leading and trailing edges to the plan in the usual way and cement the leading edge dihedral brace to one wing half and the trailing edge one to the other. Cement all the wing ribs into position and lastly the 1/8 in sq spar. When both wing halves are dry they should be brought together over the plan of the centre-section, with each tip raised 3 in and the construction completed. In shaping the leading and trailing edges, take care that they follow the wing section, for this is most important..."
Glevum Glider, Model Aircraft, November 1952.
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Article pages, thanks to RFJ.
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Glevum Glider
by JP Roles
from Model Aircraft (ref:140)
November 1952
36in span
Glider F/F
clean :)
all formers complete :)
got article :) -
Submitted: 18/05/2018
Filesize: 487KB
Format: • PDFbitmap
Credit*: Circlip, RFJ
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- Glevum Glider (oz10117)
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- Supplement Filesize: 326KB Filename: Glevum_36in_oz10117_article.pdf
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