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Total plans: 15,411
Currently accepting donations
Want to make a donation? Outerzone will always be free to use. But the continued running of this site (since launch in March 2011) does involve both time and money. If you want to make a small contribution then click here to donate using Paypal. And bless you.
Outerzone is... pretty good
We collect and share plans of vintage and old-timer flying model airplanes. For free. We do it together. And we've been doing it since 2011. No need to login, just grab and go. Thanks to you all, there are now 15,411 plans here for free download. We think that's pretty good going. Thank you for helping us to make Outerzone what it is, an awesome free archive of old-timer goodness. Three cheers for all of us!
Latest Plans
Here are the 12 newest plan uploads. For more, see the Browse Plans pages
Sopwith Strutter (oz15524)
by Trevor Faulkner
from Aeromodeller
December 1994
16in span
Scale Rubber F/F
Wedell Williams (oz15522)
by Jay T Holmes
from Modern Hobbycraft
August 1947
26in span
Scale IC C/L
Cagebird (oz15520)
by John O'Donnell
from Aeromodeller
September 1984
13in span
Rubber F/F
Rhonsperber (oz15519)
by Werner Thies, Willi Rolf
from Flugmodelle Bauen und Einfliegen
22in span
Scale Glider F/F
Fauvel AV48 (oz15515)
by Werner Thies, Willi Rolf
from Flugmodelle Bauen und Einfliegen
22in span
Scale Glider F/F
Heath Super Parasol (oz15514)
by Lew Gitlow
from Indoor Model Supply
13in span
Scale Rubber F/F
Grunau Baby IIa (oz15513)
by Werner Thies, Willi Rolf
from Flugmodelle Bauen und Einfliegen
18in span
Scale Glider F/F
Model Photo Gallery
This is a random selection of just 4 of the photos you sent us. Click here to see the full Gallery
Latest Comments
Hi Outerzone admin, I have a few photos of The Duke, built in the 1980s from an original kit by Svenson Belgium [main pic, 005, 006]. I put in a Saito FA100 and pimped the model a little bit in terms of appearance. (wheels, fuselage wood...
Winfried Huguenin :
Duke : 08/09/2024
Greetings - Here are some photos of my 1938 Jimmy Allen Skokie [main pic, 006-011] built from an Easy Built Model Kit, back in April of 2020. Regards,
Jeff Nisley :
Jimmie Allen Skokie : 08/09/2024
Hi, Here are a couple of photos of my recently finished Cessna Skylane 62 [main pic, 009-011], built from an original Carl Goldberg kit. Best regards,
Philip Avonds :
Cessna Skylane 62 : 08/09/2024
Here are three pictures of my Berkeley Models Super Cruiser [main pic, 005, 006]. I built this a few years ago. I converted it to two channel R/C and installed a Cox .020 for power and covered it with "Solarfilm". It was a very nice flying...
Richard Morgan :
Piper Super Cruiser : 08/09/2024
Here is my version of the Super Sportster 90/120 [pics 016, 017]. I gave it a bit of a "Golden Age" feel. This is a great flying design. I recommend it to anyone that wants something fun to fly!
Richard Morgan :
Super Sportster 90/120 : 08/09/2024
Goldberg Sailplane photos [pics 011, 012].
Tom Ryan :
Goldberg Sailplane : 08/09/2024
Photos of the Rambler [main pic, 005-007].
Tom Ryan :
Rambler : 08/09/2024
Strato Streak photo [pic 007].
Tom Ryan :
Strato Streak : 08/09/2024
Photo of the Record Hound [pic 013].
Tom Ryan :
Record Hound : 08/09/2024
Have added photos now [main pic, 003-013], thanks to Pete Theobold and Barry. Outstanding work :)
SteveWMD :
Caudron C.445 Goeland : 08/09/2024
Hello Mary, hello Steve, I have restored my Airfish [pics 004, 005]. The model is from the 1980s. The Airfish now has new RC components and a 4S electric drive. The gliding characteristics are still as good as ever.
For a good explanation of using shear webs see:
Latest Site Updates
Gull (oz583): Added printwood scan (this includes additional formers), thanks to GregRose.
Jitterbug (oz14600): Added printwood scan (2x sheets of 1/16), thanks to George Bredehoft.
Starduster X (oz6643): Added rib templates, thanks to Shawn Whitely.
Caudron C.445 Goeland (oz14732): Added photos of completed model, also build details and flight report, thanks to PeteTheobold, Barry.
Fournier RF4 (oz15502): Added laser cut parts file (in DWG format), thanks to Jim Katz.
Sizzler (oz15516): Added article, thanks to RFJ.
Pixie (oz4847): Replaced this plan with a clearer copy, thanks to dfritzke.
07/09/2024: General News: Hi all, we're back again now. Just sorting through emails now. Steve.
29/08/2024: General News: It's going to be quiet around here on Outerzone for the next 8 or 9 days. We are going away for a week. By all means carry on sending in plans etc and we'll just queue everything up and work through them all when we get back. I will check in to see the site is running ok, but if you are awaiting an answer to an email, this might take a while. Steve.
Nakajima A6M2-N Rufe (oz14029): Replaced the parts supplement file with a version that now includes the original credit statement to Larry D Philip.
Boeing F4B-4 (oz3576): Added parts tracing, decals and scan of wing struts, thanks to Duane Holliger.
Rhubarb (oz13832): Replaced the CAD zipfile with a revised version, thanks to HJvanTol.
Mini Jazz (oz14665): Replaced the CAD zipfile with a revised version, thanks to HJvanTol.
Champion (oz13239): Added sheet 2, thanks to Charlie Jeffreys. This (it turns out) does not show any of the ribs or formers, just motor installation and some cabin interior details.
Latest Plans text listing
Sopwith Strutter - 16in Scale Rubber F/FWestland Whirlwind - 20in Scale Rubber F/F
Wedell Williams - 26in Scale IC C/L
Standard Airfish - 96in IC Glider R/C
Cagebird - 13in Rubber F/F
Rhonsperber - 22in Scale Glider F/F
Yonder - 53in Rubber F/F
King Kombat E - 40in Electric R/C
Sizzler - 22in IC C/L
Fauvel AV48 - 22in Scale Glider F/F
Heath Super Parasol - 13in Scale Rubber F/F
Grunau Baby IIa - 18in Scale Glider F/F
Ente - 16in Glider F/F
Bullet - 30in Rubber F/F
Tern - 44in Rubber F/F
Fournier RF-1 - 19in Scale Rubber F/F
British Champion - 46in Rubber F/F
Gaukler - 100in IC Glider R/C
Slowpoke - 14in Rubber F/F
Demos - 86in Electric Glider R/C
Bellanca XRE-1 - 26in Scale Rubber F/F
Cadet Minor - 20in Rubber F/F
Fournier RF4 - 72in Scale IC Glider R/C
Martin JRM3 Mars - 54in Scale Rubber F/F
Krumpler Corsair - 36in IC R/C
Tipsy S2 - 13in Scale Rubber F/F
Titan - 98in Electric R/C
Hot Lemon - 32in Electric R/C
KL-61 - 88in IC R/C
Super Whipsaw - 42in IC C/L
Eros - 88in Electric R/C
Zanzara - 20in Rubber F/F
U2 - 106in Scale Glider R/C
Hornet - 24in IC C/L
Basswood Stripper
Starlet - 51in Glider R/C
Sporty Sombrero - 51in IC R/C
Contest Gas Model - 96in IC F/F
Solo - 54in IC R/C
Contest Gas Model - 96in IC F/F
Pussy Foot - 27in IC C/L
Anderson Pylon - 44in IC R/C
Gloster Gladiator - 21in Scale Rubber F/F
Sakura - 46in IC R/C
Seduction Streamline - 52in IC R/C
Humming Bird - 36in IC F/F
Separator - 48in IC R/C
Airco DH.5 - 47in Scale IC R/C
Hawker Hector - 46in Scale IC R/C
Quax - 31in F/F
Visit our sister site for free vintage books, magazines and catalogues. It's basically Outerzone, but for whole books.
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About Outerzone
Outerzone is a listing of free vintage and old-timer flying model aircraft plans to download. The listing is free for everyone - you don't need to register or log in to download these plans.
You can view model plans by category tag (like say free flight, control line, radio control, scale, rubber, etc...) using the browse plans pages. Use the list all page for a full A-Z text listing. There is a keyword search on the search page, or you can try the advanced search page for more detailed searches. There is also an experimental area called the TagMatrix where you can view all the plans that match your own chosen combination of tags (and wingspan and year of origin).
For a quick visual fix, you can page through the latest plan thumbnails added or the latest model pics added, at 60 pics per page.
Outerzone was designed to be maintained and updated by volunteers called Site admins who get involved but (perhaps predictably) it hasn't ever really worked out that way. So with the exception of a few good people who have helped out here in the past (see below) at the moment it's essentially just me. See the FAQ page for more details on how this site works, and why.
Outerzone is also (I hope) a secure repository for vintage model aircraft plans that may have historical significance.
Got feedback? Suggestions? email me. Really, feedback is what we need most.
Want to help me maintain and update this listing? See the get involved pages for more details.
Want to make a donation? The continued running of this site (since launch in March of 2011) involves both time and money. If you want to make a small contribution then click here to donate using Paypal. And bless you.
Outerzone Contributor Roll of Honour
I want to list the names here of some people who have helped out directly with Outerzone:
aeromeddler, andykunz, augustawest, balsaworkbench, bernd57, bobfripp, chukychez, circlip, dannymz, dbhl, derickscott, dfritzke, eduardo barriga colombia, aerikjohnson, flyerflorio, haydon55, hogal, hkarlson, hlsat, jeffmac, jj, joefergusson, johnosullivan, kaorukiyose, karsten, keven64, kraftyone, lincoln, mikenelson, mikestuart, mjh, monique, mooneydriver, ozrs, patrickurbain, pgregory, pilgrim, pit, poacher, rchopper56, reddragon, rfj, rottensox, stickman, stormin, sundancer, theshadow, tonyp, vintage1, vloustalot
Did I miss your name? Then I'm sorry. Let me know. As far as scanning and posting plans on the RCGroups thread, there are just too many names to mention them all... but here are a few:
30560, 50+airyears, algy2, avernon, bobkeller, bjrn, cougdave, daddyrabbit1954, danito69, dplumpe, geew, generock, gthunter, haydon55, irish_lord99, jmp_blackfoot, jpm, ka-6br, kenny_e, locktite401, modelholic, nibor, orange&white, pd1, perttime, planeman, ralphb, ratracer, scaleviews, spockangel, srfalcon, starcad, tri-pacer, wtool
Launched in September 2015, RCLibrary is the new sister site to Outerzone. A small but fast-growing collection of old-time modeller books and periodicals, held online as PDF files for free download. Everything is free. The library is open to everyone - you don't need to register or log in before you start downloading these titles. There are no charges or subscriptions. Basically, it's Outerzone for books.
That link again:
Click here to visit VinPlanDex - the online index of RCGroups vintage plans thread 1265873. Complete with search facility.
What is the difference between Outerzone and VinPlanDex? Well...
VinPlanDex is is an exhaustive and complete index of every plan that has ever been posted on the Vintage & Old-Timer Plans thread.
In comparison Outerzone is a slightly random collection of plans in PDF format. Outerzone does not include all the plans posted on the Vintage & Old-Timer Plans thread. At a guess, only about 80%. Some plans on here are not from that thread. Also, some are direct submissions.
That link again: VinPlanDex