The advanced search form looks complicated, but you can simply ignore all the bits that don't interest you.
The following examples are from 20/05/2020 when total plans in the db was 12,128.
Example 1
Leave everything on default setting, but set [Keyword] = Comet
and [Field] = Publisher
Results show all plans from the manufacturer Comet (total 190 results).
Example 2
Now add the setting of [Tag1] = Fighter
Results show all plans from Comet tagged as Fighter (total 53 results).
Example 3
Now add the setting of [Tag2] = Biplane
Results show all plans from Comet tagged as Fighter, Biplane (total 17 results).
Example 4
Now add the setting of [Span1] = 18
Results show all plans from Comet tagged as Fighter, Biplane with span
>=18in (total 8 results).
Note your search settings are held in a cookie. Click the Reset button to clear the cookie, and start again with default values.
Note that searches by year are problematic since many plans are of unknown date and thus have year=0. If you want to include these 'year=0' plans, then leave the LowerYear setting as 0. If you want to exclude 'year=0' plans, set LowerYear to something higher than 0.